New publication

Eirikur Rognvaldsson eirikur at
Tue Oct 13 12:41:38 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
New publication:
Linguistic Studies
Historical and Comparative
by Hreinn Benediktsson
On the occasion of Professor Hreinn Benediktsson's 70th birthday,
October 10th, 1998, the Institute of Linguistics, University of
Iceland will publish a collection of his papers (two volumes,
a total of approx. 700 pages). Most of the papers have appeared
elsewhere, but the papers that were not published originally
in English have been translated into English for this publication
and all the papers have been reedited and retypeset. In addition,
the collection contains an Introduction, a general bibliography
and an index for all the papers.
This edition is being offered at a special pre-publication price
to those subscribing before October 25th, 1998. More detailed
information, together with the table of contents and
a subscription form, can be found at the following website:

Eirikur Rognvaldsson            voice:  +354-525-4403
Department of Icelandic         fax:    +354-525-4242
University of Iceland           e-mail: eirikur at
IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland       URL:

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