die and dice

Margaret Sharpe msha8081 at mail.usyd.edu.au
Tue Apr 3 12:26:26 UTC 2001

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

I was enrolled in Mathematics at Sydney University in 1952, and it may
have been in 1954 we did some statistics (very much the theoretical
sort, we never learnt to apply it).  The lecturer astounded me by
referring to 'a die'.  No-one outside the uni called a dice 'a die' then
in Sydney, and I speak as one who came from the North Shore of Sydney
and attended a selective high school, both domains where, if anywhere,
the old singular 'die' might have survived.

Margaret Sharpe
33A Brown St
Armidale, NSW 2350
Reply to msharpe at metz.une.edu.au, not this email address.

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