Available in Paperback: Analogy, Levelling, Markedness, edited by Aditi Lahiri (2003)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Wed Feb 19 16:19:14 UTC 2003

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New from Mouton de Gruyter!!!!!!!!!!!!


Analogy, Levelling, Markedness
Principles of Change in Phonology and Morphology

Edited by Aditi Lahiri

2003. viii, 385 pages. Paperback.
Euro 36.95 / sFr 59,- / approx. US$ 37.00
ISBN 3-11-017552-5

Ranging from tonogenesis, stress shift, and quantity readjustment to
paradigmatic levelling, allomorphy, and grammaticalization, this
collection covers a wide spectrum of developments, primarily in
Germanic, Romance, and Indo-Aryan. What is shared by the contributors is
the view of individual changes embedded in phonological and
morphological systems. A traditional umbrella category of change in
systems is that of analogy. Somewhat less sanctioned, markedness is a
basic relation shaping the structure of systems, in phonology as well as
morphology. From contemporary theoretical angles the role of markedness
and analogy for change is explored in this volume.

"Lahiri has assembled a valuable collection of work ... by leading
specialists "
Joseph Salmons in Diachronica

>>From the Contents:

Preface to the paperback edition

Aditi Lahiri

Paul Kiparsky
Analogy as optimization: `exceptions' to Sievers' Law in Gothic

B. Elan Dresher
Analogical levelling of vowel length in West Germanic

Aditi Lahiri
Hierarchical restructuring in the creation of verbal morphology in
Bengali and Germanic: Evidence from phonology

Renate Raffelsiefen
Constraints on schwa apocope in Middle High German

Frans Plank
Morphological re-activation and phonological alternations: Evidence for
voiceless restructuring in German

Wolfgang Ullrich Wurzel
Inflectional system and markedness

Carlos Gussenhoven
On the origin and development of the Central Franconian tone contrast

Tomas Riad
The origin of Danish stxd

Paula Fikkert
Prosodic variation in 'Lutgart'

Haike Jacobs
The revenge of the uneven trochee: Latin main stress, metrical
constituency, stress-related phenomena and OT

Richard M. Hogg
On the (non-) existence of High Vowel Deletion

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