Christian Kay C.Kay at englang.arts.gla.ac.uk
Tue Mar 4 17:06:16 UTC 2003

Progress In Colour Studies (PICS04)
Wednesday 30th June to Friday 2nd July 2004

Department of English Language: Institute for the Historical
Study of Language
University of Glasgow, Scotland

The conference will be multidisciplinary, although of particular
interest to those working in the fields of linguistics, psychology,
anthropology, philosophy, and vision science. The principal
speaker will be Prof. Anna Wierzbicka of the Australian
National University. Abstracts are invited for individual papers
(35 minutes including questions), group sessions (one or two
hours), and poster presentations. They should be 50-100 words
long (including any bibliography) and should reach Carole
Biggam at the address below by 31st May 2003. Acceptances
will be notified in July 2003.

Dr C. P. Biggam, Dept of English Language, University of
Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K.
Email: { HYPERLINK mailto:C.Biggam at englang.arts.gla.ac.uk
 }C.Biggam at englang.arts.gla.ac.uk

Professor Christian Janet Kay, Department of English
Language, School of English and Scottish Language
and Literature, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
 C.Kay at englang.arts.gla.ac.uk
phone: +44 (0)141 330 4150    fax: +44 (0)141 330 3531

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