Nordic Languages (Mouton de Gruyter) Voume 2 is now available

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Sat Apr 2 14:49:32 UTC 2005

Volume 2 is now available!



The Nordic Languages

An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages 


Edited by Oskar Bandle, Kurt Braunmüller, Ernst Håkon Jahr, Allan Karker, Hans-Peter Naumann, and Ulf Teleman 

In cooperation with Lennart Elmevik and Gun Widmark 



2 Volumes


Volume 1

2002. xxix, 1057 pages. Cloth.  EUR 498.00 /sFr 797.00 / approx. US$ 647.00

ISBN 3-11-014876-5


Volume 2 

2005. xxix,. 1150 pages. Cloth. EUR 498.00 /sFr 797.00 / approx. US$ 647.00

ISBN 3-11-017149-X 


(Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science 22/1-2)


Language of publication: English

Dates of publication: 11/2002 (Volume 1), 4/2005 (Volume 2)




This handbook is conceived as a comprehensive history of the North Germanic languages from the oldest times up to the present day. Whereas most of the traditional presentations of Nordic language history are confined to individual languages and often concentrate on purely linguistic data, the present work covers the history of all Nordic languages in its totality, embedded in a broad culture-historical context. 


The Nordic languages are described both individually and in their mutual dependence as well as in relation to the neighboring non-Nordic languages. The handbook is not tied to a particular methodology, but keeps in principle to a pronounced methodological pluralism, encompassing all aspects of actual methodology. 


Moreover it combines diachronic with synchronic-systematic aspects, longitudinal sections with cross-sections (periods such as Old Norse, transition from Old Norse to Early Modern Nordic, Early Modern Nordic 1550-1800 and so on). 


The description of Nordic language history is built upon a comprehensive collection of linguistic data; it consists of more than 200 articles, written by a multitude of authors from Scandinavian and German and English speaking countries. The organization of the handbook combines a central part on the detailed chronological developments and some chapters of a more general character: chapters on theory and methodology in the beginning, and on overlapping spatio-temporal topics in the end.



Key Features:

* complete and comprehensive study of the Nordic languages

* all Nordic languages are treated individually and in their mutual dependence

* international handbook series

* two volumes offering the current state of research



Oskar Bandle is Professor Emeritus at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Kurt Braunmüller is Professor at the University of Hamburg, Germany. 
Ernst Håkon Jahr is Professor at the University of Agder, Norway. 

Allan Karker is Lecturer Emeritus at the University of Århus, Danmark. 

Hans-Peter Naumann is Professor of Nordic Philology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. 

Ulf Teleman is Professor Emeritus at the University of Lund, Sweden.

Lennart Elmevik is Professor Emeritus at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. 
Gun Widmark is Professor Emeritus at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.





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