morphology in HPSG - summary

Larisa Zlatic larisaz at
Tue Dec 7 18:01:27 UTC 1999

    Around Thanksgiving, I posted a query to the HPSG list asking
people to recommend me any recent HPSG literature dealing with
morphology and the distinction between inflectional and derivational
morphology.  I am personally interested in derivational morphology and
its effects on syntactic processes, and how this could be handled in the
HPSG framework.
    Although, I received only several references, I received a lot of
requests for posting the summary of my query.  For this reason, I’m
posting a short summary and hope that more references will be coming
when this message gets posted.

Morphology in HPSG references:
1. There is a paper on inflectional morphology  (and morphosyntax)
written by Andreas Kathol  (1999) “Agreement and the syntax-morphology
interface”.  The paper appeared  in the book STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR, edited by Robert Levine and Georgia Green,
Cambridge University Press.   An erlier version of this paper (1997
version) is also available on the HPSG bibliography webpage.

2. Paola Monachesi also worked on inflectional morphology, as it relates
to Romance clitics.  She recommends her 1999 paper:  “The morphosyntax
of Romanian
cliticization” and her 1999 book: “A lexical approach on Italian
cliticization”, CSLI
 lecture notes.  Many references on morphology can be found in these

Monachesi’s papers can be downloaded from the folowing website:

3.  Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer have a paper on German clause
structure, which contains a section on German morphology – again,
inflectional.  The paper will appear in a volume edited by Tibor Kiss
and Detmar Meurers, the CSLI series "Studies in Constraint-Based
Lexicalism.  The website is:

4. Sabine Reinhard has a chapter on morphology in her thesis. The thesis
still work in progress, and it is written in German.  You may contact
her personally to obtain her work.

On my own, I found the following references while browsing through the
HPSG bibliography webpage:

5. Reinhard, Suzanne.  (1998) . “Type-Based Derivational Morphology.”
Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 2:49-77.

6. B. Crysmann has a paper on morphology titled: “Morphosyntactic
paradoxa in Fox: an analysis in linearisation-based moprhology”. In
Gosse Bouma and Geert-Jan Kruiff and Richard Oehrle, editor(s),
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on
       Formal Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and
Categorial Grammar.

7. Tilman Hohle’s (1999) article “An architecture for phonology” has two
‘purely’ morphological sections dwelling on morphological structure.
The paper appeared in the CSLI volume “Slavic in Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar”, edited by: R. Borsley and A. Przepiorkowski, pp.

Larisa Zlatic
lzlatic at

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