feature structures vs. feature structure descriptions

Lutz Gunkel gunkel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Feb 1 18:09:33 UTC 1999

Dear Harry Bunt,

At 00:04 01.02.99 +0100, you wrote:

>As a model-theoretic semanticist, I
>am familiar with the notion of a model of a language: the mathematical
>object (M), typically a set-theoretic structure, containing the elements
>that serve as semantic interpretations of the expressions of a language
>(L). My impression is that Lutz Gunkel is thinking in these
>model-theoretic terms of languages and models [...]

That seems to be a misunderstanding. When I used the terms `model(s)' and
`modelling' I intended to use it exactly in the sense that Carl explained
in his reply to your message. (That's why I also used `idealization' as an
alternative term at one point.)


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