ACL'99 Workshop Announcements

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at
Thu Feb 25 23:29:55 UTC 1999

Apparently there was a problem with my emailing of announcements to
the ACL membership so I re-email the announcements plus new ones

Sorry for any duplications...


Below, separated by askerisks (*) are FIVE ACL'99 associated Workshop
announcements:  1) Coreference and Its Applications; 2) Joint EMNLP
and Very Large Corpora; 3) Relationship Between Discourse/Dialogue
Structure and Reference; 4) Toward Standards and Tools for Discourse
Tagging; and 5) SIGLEX'99.  Also included at the end is a co-located
Symposium announcement for Computer-Mediated Language Assessment and
Evaluation in NLP.


                            ACL'99 Workshop


June 22, 1999

                         University of Maryland

                        College Park,



Coreference is in some sense nature's own hyperlink. It conveys how
individual statements are connected within documents, across documents
and across bodies of human knowledge. Consequently coreference
resolution algorithms are at the core of Natural Language
Processing. Most of the work done on coreference deals with
a single language and a single text document (usually newswire).

As NLP research matures into "application" phases (as opposed to
theory-development), NLP systems are moving beyond traditional
research sources to document sets which reflect a more natural,
research-oriented mix.  This shift can be seen in both the document
sets and tasks used in recent HUB, MET, and TDT evaluations.  The
new sources consist of documents in several different languages,
documents with data from noisy sources, and documents containing
multimedia.  In order for NLP systems to make a successful
transition to these new sources, it is critical for coreference
resolution systems to also work on these new sources.

The workshop invites papers regarding the theory, design, and
evaluation of coreference resolution systems that deal with
non-traditional data sources.  In particular, we encourage
submission of papers for the following types of coreference:

    *-Cross-document coreference

    *-Coreference resolution in languages other than English

    *-Coreference resolution on noisy data

    *-Coreference resolution on non-text data (example: human speech)

    *-Coreference resolution on multimedia data

In addition, the workshop also invites papers on innovative NLP
applications that rely heavily on coreference resolution systems.


Paper submissions should consist of a full paper (5000 words or less,
including references).  Each submission should include a separate
title page providing the following information: the title, a short
abstract, names and affiliations of all the authors, the full address
of the primary author (or alternate contact person), including phone,
fax, and email.

Papers may be submitted by submitting three hard copies to:

Amit Bagga
General Electric CRD
Room K1-5C38B
1 Research Circle
Niskayuna, NY
12309.  USA

phone: 1-518-387-7077

email: bagga at


Paper submission deadline:      March 29

Notification of acceptance:     April 16

Camera ready papers due: 	April 30


Amit Bagga (Contact Person)
General Electric Corporate
Research and Development
1 Research Circle
Niskayuna, NY 12309.  USA

bagga at
518-387-7077 (voice)
518-387-6845 (fax)

Breck Baldwin
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Walnut Street, #400C
Philadelphia, PA 19104.  USA

breck at

Sara J. Shelton
US Department of Defense
9800 Savage Road, E24
Ft Meade, MD 20755. USA


Amit Bagga - GE CRD
Breck Baldwin - University of Pennsylvania
Branimir Boguraev - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Ed Hovy - Information Sciences Institute (USC/ISI)
Mark T. Maybury - MITRE
Ruslan Mitkov - University of Wolverhampton
Sara Shelton - DoD


> >                                First Call For Papers
> >
> >                         (EMNLP/VLC-99) JOINT SIGDAT CONFERENCE ON
> >                            VERY LARGE CORPORA
> >
> > Sponsored by SIGDAT (ACL's Special Interest Group for Linguistic Data
> > and Corpus-based Approaches to NLP)
> >
> >                                  June 21-22, 1999
> >                              University of Maryland
> >
> >                                In conjunction
> >
> > ACL'99: the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
> > Linguistics
> >
> > This SIGDAT-sponsored joint conference will continue to provide a forum
> > for new research in corpus-based and/or empirical methods in NLP.  In
> > addition to providing a general forum, the theme for this year is
> >
> > "Corpus-based and/or Empirical Methods in NLP for Speech, MT, IR, and
> > other Applied Systems"
> >
> > A large number of systems in automatic speech recognition(ASR) and
> > synthesis, machine translation(MT), information retrieval(IR),  optical
> > character recognition(OCR) and handwriting recognition have become
> > commercially available in the last decade.  Many of these systems use
> > NLP technologies as an important component. Corpus-based and empirical
> > methods in NLP  have been a major trend in recent years. How useful are
> > these techniques when applied to real systems, especially when compared
> > to rule-based methods?  Are
> > there any new techniques to be developed in EMNLP and from VLC in order
> > to improve the state-of-the-art of ASR, MT, IR, OCR, and other applied
> > systems? Are there new ways to combine corpus-based and empirical
> > methods with rule-based systems?
> >
> > This two-day conference aims to bring together academic researchers and
> > industrial practitioners to discuss the above issues, through technical
> > paper sessions, invited talks, and panel discussions. The goal of the
> > conference is to raise an awareness of what kind of new EMNLP techniques
> > need to be developed in order to bring about the next breakthrough in
> > speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, information
> > retrieval and other applied systems.
> >
> > The conference solicits paper submissions in (and not limited to) the
> > following areas:
> >
> > 1) Original work in one of the following technologies and its relevance
> > to speech, MT, or IR:
> >       (a) word sense disambiguation
> >       (b) word and term segmentation and extraction
> >       (c) alignment
> >       (d) bilingual lexicon extraction
> >       (e) POS tagging
> >       (f) statistical parsing
> >       (g) others (please specify)
> >
> > 2) Proposals of new EMNLP technologies for speech, MT, IR, OCR, or other
> > applied systems (please specify)
> >
> > 3) Comparative evaluation of the performance of EMNLP technologies in
> > one of the areas in (1) and that of its
> > rule-based or  knowledge-based counterpart in a speech, MT, IR, OCR or
> > other applied systems
> >
> >
> > Submissions Requirements
> >
> > Submissions should be limited to original, evaluated work. All papers
> > should include background survey and/or reference to previous work.  The
> > authors should provide explicit explanation when there is no evaluation
> > in their work. We encourage paper submissions related to the conference
> > theme. In particular, we encourage the authors to include in their
> > papers, proposals and discussions of the relevance of their work to the
> > theme . However,  there will be a special session in the conference to
> > include corpus-based and/or empirical
> > work in all areas of natural language processing.
> >
> > Important Dates
> >
> > March  31             Submission of full-length paper
> > April  30             Acceptance notice
> > May    20             Camera-ready paper due
> > June   21-22          Conference date
> >
> > Program Chair
> >
> > Pascale Fung
> > Human Language Technology Center
> > Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
> > University of Science and Tehnology (HKUST)
> > Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
> > Hong Kong
> > Tel: (+852)  2358 8537
> > Fax: (+852)  2358 1485
> > Email: pascale at
> >
> > Program Co-Chair
> > Joe Zhou
> > LEXIS-NEXIS, a Division of Reed Elsevier
> > 9555 Springboro Pike
> > Dayton, OH 45342
> > USA
> > Email: joez at


                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                ACL'99 Workshop on the Relationship Between
                 Discourse/Dialogue Structure and Reference
                                June 21 1999
                           University of Maryland


  The relationship between the structure of discourse and dialogue and
  use of referring expressions has been the focus of much research in
  linguistics, computational linguistics, and psycholinguistics.
  individual efforts have been couched in a variety of frameworks
  from (S)DRT and RST to Centering, they all share two underlying

    1. The structure of discourse affects the interpretation of
       expressions and the space of anaphoric accessibility.
    2. The use of referring expressions restricts the set of possible
       discourse interpretations.

  However, most approaches address only one of these two views on the
  relation between structure and reference. And although several
  explaining this relationship exist, few have made a significant impact
  on practical applications such as discourse parsing, summarization,
  generation, and name-entity recognition.

  This workshop will provide a forum for researchers in all areas of
  linguistics, psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics who are
  interested in advancing the state of the art in understanding the
  relationship between discourse/dialogue structure and reference.
  Submissions are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics

    1. Linguistic issues:
               + what is the relation between lexico-grammatical
                 constructs, referring expressions, and the structure of
    2. Psycholinguistic issues:
               + how does the use of referents affect the human
                 interpretation of discourse/dialogue?
    3. Corpus-specific issues:
               + what coding schemata and annotation tools should one
                 in order to encode the relation between
                 discourse/dialogue structure and reference?
    4. Representation issues:
               + how should discourse/dialogue structures and referents
               + how should one represent the relationship between them:
                 as preferences; or as constraints?
    5. Algorithmic issues:
               + how can discourse/dialogue structures, referents, and
                 co-referential links be identified and computed?
               + knowledge-intensive vs. shallow approaches
               + rule-driven vs. statistical vs. corpus-based approaches
               + Wordnet-based approaches
               + how do discourse/dialogue structure and referential
                 expressions interact in natural language generation?
    6. General issues:
               + what are the commonalities of current approaches to
                 studying the relation between discourse/dialogue and
               + what are the differences?
               + what are the arguments against a relation between
                 discourse/dialogue structure and reference?
               + how language-dependent is the relation between
                 discourse/dialogue structure and reference?

  Post-Workshop Dissemination:

  Selected papers from the workshop will be compiled into a volume
  tentatively scheduled to appear in the Text, Speech, and Language
  Technology book series from Kluwer Academic Press.

  Submission Procedure:

     * Authors are requested to submit one electronic version of their
       papers OR four hardcopies. Please submit hardcopies only if
       electronic submission is impossible.
     * Maximum length is 8 pages including figures and references.
     * Please conform with the traditional two-column ACL Proceedings
       format. Style files can be downloaded from or from

       Submission should be sent to:

       Nancy Ide
       Department of Computer Science
       Vassar College
       124 Raymond Avenue
       Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0520 USA
       Fax: (+1 914) 437 7498
       E-mail: ide at


               Deadline for submissions: March 26, 1999.
               Notification of acceptance: To Be Announced.
               Camera ready copies due: To Be Announced.

  Organizing committee:

     * Dan Cristea - University "A.I. Cuza" of Iasi, Romania.
     * Nancy Ide - Vassar College, USA.
     * Daniel Marcu - Information Sciences Institute/University of
       Southern California, USA.

  Program Committee:

     * Nicholas Asher (University of Texas)
     * Eugene Charniak (Brown University)
     * Udo Hahn (Freiburg University)
     * Lynette Hirschman (MITRE Corp.)
     * Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto)
     * Massimo Poesio (University of Edinburgh)
     * Ehud Reiter (University of Aberdeen)
     * Michael Strube (University of Pennsylvania)
     * Wietske Vonk (Max Planck Institute)
     * Marilyn Walker (AT&T)

  Related Events

     * ACL'99
     * ACL'99 SIGDIAL Business Meeting
     * ACL'99 Workshop on Tagging
     * ACL'99 Workshop on Coreference and Its Applications
     * EuroLAN'99 Summer School


> TITLE: Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging
> Discourse tagging assigns labels from a tag set to discourse units in
> texts or dialogues. The discourse units range from words or referring
> expressions to multi-utterance units identified by criteria such as
> speaker intention or initiative. Since the emergence of syntactically
> annotated corpora has resulted in major advances in sentence-level
> natural language processing, the hope is that corpora of tagged
> discourse may lead to similar advances in the area of discourse
> processing.
> Work on discourse tagging has gained momentum in the last 3-4 years.
> Three major initiatives in this area are: the Discourse Resource
> Initiative (,
> that has organized yearly international workshops addressing the
> standardization of discourse tagging schemes for coreference,
> for dialogue acts, and for higher level discourse structures;
> MATE (,
> a project co-funded by the European Union, whose aim is to
> develop  tools and standards for tagging spoken dialogue
> corpora at different levels, including the discourse level;
> the Global Document Annotation initiative, that aims at having
> Internet authors annotate their documents with a common standard
> tag set which allows machines to recognize the semantic and pragmatic
> structures of documents (
> Even with these three initiatives in place, there is still much work to
> be done before there are widely accepted (standardized) tagging
> schemes for various discourse phenomena that could be shared across
> sites; moreover, there has not yet been an open forum to which
> researchers working in this area could participate and
> contribute. This workshop will provide such a forum.
> Submissions are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics
> and issues:
> 1. How can  standardization for discourse tagging concretely be achieved?
>    by developing a single coding scheme, or more likely, a set of coding
>    schemes, one for each phenomenon of interest? or rather, by developing
>    some specification guidelines and a way of mapping from one scheme to
>    another? in some other way?
> 2. Cross-level coding: all the initiatives mentioned above promote an
>    approach in which coding schemes are developed at different levels,
>    rather than an approach in which a monolithic scheme addresses all
>    phenomena. Given this methodology, the issue of cross-level coding
>    arises, namely, how can coding schemes for  different levels
>    take advantage of each other and allow  coding of cross-level
>    relationships?  is it possible to relate corpus annotations at
>    different annotation levels to examine the interdependence of
>    linguistic phenomena?
> 3. Coding schemes and theories of discourse: is it possible to develop
>    coding schemes that faithfully reflect a discourse theory? if yes,
>    is it desirable? conversely, can corpora coded for discourse issues
>    help advance our theoretical understanding of discourse phenomena?
> 4. Coding schemes and applications: is it possible to design
>    discourse coding schemes independently from the applications tagged
>    corpora are supposed to be used for (eg, to train a speech act
>    recognizer)?
> 5. Coding schemes and reliability: discourse categories are difficult
>    to code for reliably. Whatever the reason (e.g., lack of an overarching
>    theory for discourse, or genuine ambiguity and misunderstandings in real
>    dialogue reflected in the coding), how can we devise reliable
>    coding schemes? What reliability measures should be used: are
>    widely used measures (Kappa, Alpha, precision and
>    recall) appropriate in this case? If not, what other measures can
>    we use?  Is reliability affected by whether naive or expert coders
>    are used?
> 6. Tools for discourse tagging: what specific features of a  tool
>    does discourse tagging require? can we just extend tools developed
>    eg for syntactic tagging? do we need to develop new tools?
> 7. Some paradigms for evaluating dialogue systems take advantage of
>    the use of tagged corpora: how are tagging for evaluation purposes and
>    discourse tagging related? Are there some discourse tags
>    that may be used as evaluation tags or is it advisable to introduce
>    another dimension of tagging?
> In addition to papers, prospective participants may be asked to do a
> small homework before the workshop to test out various tagging
> schemes. Prospective participants who have developed tools are welcome
> to bring a demo with them.
> Submission Procedure:
>         Authors are requested to submit one electronic version of
>         their papers OR four hardcopies. Please submit
>         hardcopies only if electronic submission is impossible.
>         Send your electronic submission to both Marilyn Walker
>         (walker at and Morena Danieli (morena.danieli at
>         If electronic submission is impossible, please contact the organizers
>         to arrange for hardcopy submission.
>         Maximum length is 6 pages including figures and references.
>         Please conform with the traditional two-column ACL Proceedings
>         format.  Style files can be downloaded from
> Timetable:
>           Deadline for submissions: March 20, 1999.
>           Notification of acceptance: April 16, 1999.
>           Camera ready copies due: April 30, 1999
> WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Marilyn Walker,  Morena Danieli, Johanna D. Moore,
Barbara Di Eugenio.


			Standardizing Lexical Resources
			    June 21, 22, 1999
			 University of Maryland


As our national interests become increasingly global, timely access to
information becomes more and more necessary.  Many promising strategies for
information provision rely heavily on lexical resources, including ontologies.
Our next major challenge is providing a standardized lexical resource: an
inventory of word meanings, or senses, associated with criteria for
distinguishing them.  Currently there are several different on-line lexical
resources that are being used for English, WordNet, Longman's, the Oxford
English Dictionary, (OED), CIDE from Cambeidge University Press (CUP), Collins,
and Webster's, to name just a few, and they each use very different approaches
to making sense distinctions.  Various computational lexicons and related
resources such as ontologies are under development, including the European
PAROLE/SIMPLE lexicons, the Generative Lexicon, the SENSUS ontology,
Mikrokosmos, WordNet, Framenet, and the theory of Lexical Conceptual
Structures.  Each takes a very different approach and makes reference to
different underlying theories of semantics.  This divergence of resources has
motivated the efforts of the EAGLES Lexical Semantics Group, which is defining
a common format for lexical semantic representation for 12 languages.

In a recent evaluation of word sense disambiguation systems, SIGLEX98-SENSEVAL,
(also supported by Euralex, Elsenet, ECRAN and SPARKLE)
the training data and test data were prepared using a set of Oxford University
Press (OUP) senses.  This made it difficult to evaluate the performance of
pre-existing systems that had been built using other lexical resources.  A
mapping was made from the OUP senses to WordNet senses, so that WordNet systems
could be included, but this was somewhat problematic as there were far fewer
WordNet senses, and frequently no direct mapping was possible.  As do most
dictionaries, OUP and WordNet often make different decisions about how to
structure entries for the same words which are all equally valid, but simply
not compatible.  Therefore, it becomes especially difficult to include
pre-existing systems in the evaluation that rely on a pre-existing lexical
resource other than the one used as the Gold Standard.  The question that
arises here is the likelihood of making performance preserving mappings between
lexical resources.  Is it even possible to treat one lexical resource as a
standard that other resources can be mapped to? (This is true even when
focusing on just one language - the problem simply becomes more explosive when
additional languages become involved.)  All of the participants in
SIGLEX98-SENSEVAL agreed that they would prefer evaluations based on running
text rather than corpus instances, but this is only feasible if the Gold
Standard sense inventory being used for tagging can be appropriately mapped
onto several different lexical resources.

The purpose of SIGLEX99 is to directly address the issue of standardization of
lexical resources, and performance-preserving mappings between existing
resources.  As a spin-off from SENSEVAL, we are investigating mapping the OUP
SENSEVAL senses onto other lexical resources.  We will also be tagging running
text with these senses, and other senses, and will circulate this ahead of time
to workshop participants.  There will be several working sessions focussed
around the mappings between lexical resources and the tagged samples.

Languages other than English will also be considered, in connection with
ROMANSEVAL, the subset of SENSEVAL for Romance languages (but with no
restriction to that language family). We will study the relevance of
EuroWordNet (EWN) sense dictinctions for WSD systems, and the applicability of
the Interlingua Language Index (ILI) created within EWN for cross-language
sense-standardization. An issue of particular interest is the mapping of
existing resources to the ILI, which could be an important step towards the
development of a standardized multilingual lexicon for WSD. Such a multilingual
gold standard could in turn be used to semantically tag parallel texts and thus
create standardized corpora useful for many multilingual applications. There
will also be a session to discuss the future of American involvement in EAGLES,
and how the workshop results and conclusions can be incorporated.

We will have invited talks on ontologies and lexical resources, and we welcome
submissions on any areas in lexical semantics and computational lexical
semantics, but particularly on the acquisition and use of lexical resources and
ontologies and on word sense disambiguation.  There will be a workshop
proceedings, and as we have done with our last two workshops, we will encourage
partipants to make electronic versions of their papers available on the web
prior to the workshop.  Likely invited speakers include Patrick Hanks (Oxford
University Press), Chuck Fillmore (Berkeley), and someone speaking on WordNet
or EuroWordNet and on SIMPLE (the European project for building harmonized
semantic lexicons for 12 European languages).

The schedule for paper submissions (ACL format, 6 pages):

SUBMISSION DEADLINE:				March 29, 1999


CAMERA READY COPIES (and copyrights) DUE:	May 28, 1999

Please send submissions, hard copy or electronic (.ps or .doc), to:

Martha Palmer
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
400A, 3401 Walnut Street/6228
University of Pennsylvania
Philadlephia, PA 19104
Telephone: (215) 898-0361
FAX No.: (215) 573-9247
e-mail: mpalmer at

Program Committee:

Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa
Bonnie Dorr, University of Maryland
Chuck Fillmore, University of California, Berkeley
Ralph Grishman, New York University
Patrick Hanks, Oxford University Press
Eduard Hovy, USC Information Sciences Institute
Nancy Ide, Vassar College
Adam Kilgarriff, ITRI, University of Brighton
Marc Light, MITRE Corporation
Martha Palmer, University of Pennsylvania, CHAIR
James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University
Philip Resnik, University of Maryland
Patrick St Dizier, IRIT-CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier
Antonio Sanfilippo, European Commission, DG XIII
Frederique Segond, Xerox Research Centre, Grenoble
Jean Véronis,  Université de Provence
Evelyne Viegas, New Mexico State University
Piek Vossen, University of Amsterdam
Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield
David Yarowsky, John's Hopkins University
Antonio Zompolli, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa


			Call for Participation


		  A Symposium jointly sponsored by:
     International Association of Language Learning Technologies
	      Association for Computational Linguistics

	Tuesday, June 22, 1999 (preceding IALL-99 and ACL-99)
	       University of Maryland, College Park, MD

The purpose of this meeting will be to strengthen collaboration
between researchers and users of language learning tools.  We solicit
abstracts for a range of participation types, including, but not
limited to presentations, proposals, demonstrations, and papers on:

    - language assessment
    - software for first and second language acquisition
    - general discussions of problems and solutions in evaluating
      systems, software, and and people learning language.
    - integrating technology and foreign language pedagogy
    - user studies
    - the relation between technology and language learning, or
      linguistic theory and tool-building
    - discussions of what is feasible and/or desirable in language
      learning technology
    - computer adaptive testing and speech recognition in language
      assessment and placement
    - software and tool demonstrations
    - formulation of discussion questions for panels relating to any
      of the above

Submitters are invited to submit at least 2 (and at most 8) pages,
summarizing the proposed contribution.  Submit author(s), title,
surface mail, and email addresses on a separate page.  On this page,
also indicate any equipment needs beyond an overhead projector and
a Windows computer with projector.

Electronic submissions using the ACL style files are encouraged and
will made be available (for accepted papers) on the web as well as at
the meeting.  Following the workshop, participants will be invited to
submit fuller papers for a joint IALL-ACL publication.

The symposium will be organized around the topics outlined in the
call, according to submissions and the general interests of the
participants.  We are interested soliciting participation by (inter

	(i)   researchers, educators, lab managers, software developers
	      who work directly in the intersection between
              computational theory and language learning,
	(ii)  language educators and lab managers interested in what is
	      possible and in process in computational linguistics,

	(iii) computational linguists interested in languages learning
	      software as an application,
	(iv)  people who assess language acquisition (in people) who
              (would like to) have insight into good techniques that
              have been applied for evaluating computational systems
              and output,

	(v)   people who work on metrics for evaluating computational
              systems who might have insight into scoring assessments
	      in language acquisition.

A listserv has been set up to encourage interaction and questions
before the symposium.  To be added to the list, send mail to
"acl-iall-request at" with "subscribe" in the subject line.
Messages may be submitted to everyone on the list by sending mail to
"acl-iall at".

Charlotte Groff Aldridge (University of Maryland Language Center Director)
Susan Armstrong (University of Geneva, ISSCO)
Eduard Hovy (USC, Information Sciences Institute)
Dorry Kenyon (Center for Applied Linguistics)
Philip Resnik (University of Maryland Linguistics & Computer Studies)
Roberta Lavine (University of Maryland, Spanish and Portuguese)
Valerie Malabonga (Center for Applied Linguistics)
Flo Reeder (MITRE Corporation)
Carol Van Ess-Dykema (US Dept. of Defense)

Abstracts/proposals:           March 30, 1999
Notification of acceptance:    April 30, 1999
Final submissions:             May 30, 1999
Final papers for publication:  July 30, 1999

Mari Broman Olsen
molsen at, FAX:  (301) 314-9658
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
3141 A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742

More information about the HPSG-L mailing list