Janus in HPSG

Adam Przepiorkowski adamp at ling.ohio-state.edu
Tue May 30 14:39:42 UTC 2000

Dear All,

This is an enquiry concerning (possibly) bi-headed constructions: does
anybody know of any HPSG (or otherwise) proposals to analyse a specific
construction / phrase as simultaneously having two distinct heads?  The
only approach roughly in this vain that I am aware of is Netter's
functional / lexical head distinction...

Thanks in advance.



Ohio State University       | work: (USA) (614) 292 5389
Department of Linguistics   | home: (USA) (614) 261 1572
222 Oxley Hall              | fax:  (USA) (614) 292 8833
1712 Neil Ave.              |
Columbus OH 43210           | email: adamp at ling.ohio-state.edu
URL:  http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/mmgroup/ap.html

On leave from the Institute of Computer Science,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

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