Summer School on Constraint-based grammar

Lars Hellan lhellan at
Tue May 29 23:35:07 UTC 2001


	     	    6 - 11 AUGUST 2001

     at the Linguistics Department, Norwegian University of
     	     Science and Technology, Trondheim

The Linguistics Department, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and 
Technology, Trondheim), will offer a one week summer school in 
Constraint-based grammars, primarily HPSG.

Topics include Syntax and Semantics in HPSG (and also Construction 
Grammar), Statistical approaches to grammar, and Grammar Engineering. 
Course descriptions are given below.

Lecturers are
Frederik Fouvry, Universitaet des Saarlandes.
Jean-Pierre Koenig, State University of New York, Buffalo,
Robert Levine, Ohio State University ,
Robert P. Malouf, University of Groningen,
Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University,
Stephan Oepen, YY Software and CSLI Stanford,
Carl Pollard, Ohio State University, and
Ivan A. Sag, Stanford University,

The school is sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council and the Language 
Technology Programme of NorFA, and is open to all interested parties. 
(Enrollment limits will be imposed only for the practical course on Grammar 

There is no participation fee, and housing reservations can be made through 
the organizers

The summer school will take place after HPSG-2001 (Aug. 3-5, also in
Trondheim) and just before ESSLLI 2001 (Aug. 13-24, in Helsinki). It begins in the afternoon of Monday, 
August 6, and ends in the early afternoon of Saturday, August 11.

Web address for the school (and also for HPSG-2001) is

The summer school's location is the University Center at Dragvoll (in 
beautiful, hilly surroundings at the outskirts of town, with a view of the 
fjord, and direct access to hiking and biking trails).

Hotel rooms in Trondheim during the summer school are scarce, due to a 
number of conferences and exhibitions in the area. Therefore, a bulk 
reservation has been made at Trondheim Vandrerhjem (youth hostel 
style).  Reservations can be made through the organizers. In addition, a 
few guesthouse facilities near the school site will be available.

More information: Lars Hellan and Torbjørn Nordgård (organizers)

lars.hellan at

torbjorn.nordgard at


Ivan Sag, Stanford University:

Core Clauses and Construction Theory

This course introduces a systematic syntactic and semantic analysis of key
English clausal constructions, including declaratives (indicatives,
subjunctives, and subjectless clauses) interrogatives (polars, wh-initial,
wh-in situ and sluices), exclamatives and imperatives. The approach that is
presented integrates Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar with key ideas from
Construction Grammar (specifically the version developed by Fillmore and Kay
and their colleagues) and Situation Semantics (in Barwise and Perry's sense).

Ginzburg, Jonathan, and Ivan Sag (2000) Interrogative Investigations. CSLI 
Publications: Stanford

Carl Pollard, Ohio State University:

Higher-Order Grammar: a Constraint-Based and Type-Logical Foundation for 
Linguistic Theory

Typed lambda calculi (Curry and Feys 1958) and their extensions known
as higher-order logics (Church 1940, Henkin 1950, Gallin 1975) are
widely employed in formal semantics. But as foundations for syntactic
theory, they appear to have found few advocates (Curry 1961, Moshier
1997). Based on a form of higher-order logic due to Lambek and Scott
(1986), this course develops a grammar framework that combines the
advantages of constraint-based and type-logical grammar. By way of
illustration, novel and extremely simple new analyses are provided for
(a) coordination of unlikes and (2) the distinction between lexical
ambiguity and neutralization (feature value syncretism).

Jean-Pierre Koenig, State University of New York, Buffalo:

Semantics and the Lexicon

This course discusses the organization of lexical knowledge,
focussing particularly on the organization of semantic
knowledge and its interface with syntax. Topics covered
will include: The hierarchical lexicon (both with type-underspecification
and lexical rules), constructional morphology, linking, the
argument/adjunct distinction,
and the structure of lexical semantic representations. The approach
that will be presented is cast within Head-driven Phrase-Structure
Grammar, but comparison with Constructional Approaches to argument
structure will also be covered, as well as some experimental data
on the use of argument structure in human sentence processing.

Davis, Anthony and Jean-Pierre Koenig (2000) `Linking as constraints on
word classes in a hierarchical lexicon', Language. 76:56-91.
Koenig, Jean-Pierre (1999) Lexical Relations. CSLI publications:

Robert Malouf, University of Groningen:

Statistics for linguists

This course will offer a basic introduction to statistics for working HPSG
linguists. Topics to be covered include basic probability and information
theory, hypothesis testing, statistics for corpus analysis, and stochastic
attribute value grammars.

Manning, Christopher D. and Hinrich Schütze.  1999. _Foundations of
    Statistical Natural Language Processing_. MIT Press.
Brew, Chris and Marc Moens. _Data-Intensive Linguistics_. Available at

Stephan Oepen, YY Software and CSLI Stanford,
  and Frederik Fouvry, Universitaet des Saarlandes

An Introduction to Practical Grammar Engineering using HPSG

The implementation of linguistically-based grammars for natural
languages draws on a combination of engineering skills, sound
grammatical theory, and software development techniques. This course
provides a hands-on introduction to the methods and tools needed for
building the precise, extensible grammars required both in research and
in applications.
Through a combination of lectures and in-class exercises, students will
investigate the implementation of constraints in morphology, syntax,
and semantics, working within the unification-based lexicalist
framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Topics to be
addressed in the course include: the use of types and features,
multiple inheritance, lexical rules, and constructions. The daily
implementation exercises will be conducted in the freely-available
<a href="">LKB</a> grammar
development platform developed by Copestake et al, and will include
experience with adding and repairing lexical types, lexical entries,
lexical rules, phrase structure schemata, and compositional semantic
While most of the course work will focus on small-ish grammars for
English, we expect to apply our jointly acquired grammar engineering
expertise to at least one other language towards the end of the week.
Course registration will be limited, since this will be a highly
interactive, hands-on course.

Background Reading
- Copestake, Ann: The (New) LKB System. Manuscript. CSLI Stanford,
Stanford, CA (2000). [see the LKB web site]
- Sag, Ivan and Wasow, Tom: Syntactic Theory. A Formal
Introduction. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA (1999).
- Shieber, Stuart: An Introduction to Unification-Based Approaches to
Grammar. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA (1986).

Robert Levine and Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University:

Locality of grammatical relations

A number of phenomena have been discussed in which traditionally local
properties of embedded constituents apparently have to be visible
outside of the local domain: case assignment (Meurers,
Przepiorkowski), tag questions (Flickinger & Bender), "tough"
complement structures (Levine), or relative clauses and complementizer
agreement (Hoehle). The idea of this course is to discuss these
constructions and investigate which properties of what kind of
constituents need to persist in which non-local domain.

As general preparation, some understanding of the setup of HPSG and
the idea of locality of selection would be helpful. So people without
an HPSG background would profit from reading chapter 1, 3, and 7 of
Pollard and Sag (1994). The two issues which caused us to look closer
at cases where locality seems to be violated are also available:
Robert Levine: 'Tough' complementation and the extraclausal
propagation of argument descriptions. In Dan Flickinger and Andreas
Kathol: On-line proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Available from
Detmar Meurers: Raising Spirits (and assigning them case). Groninger
Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik (GAGL), Nr. 43.
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, German Department. Available from

Tentative schedule of classes:

14.00-15.15             Sag
15.45-17.00             Levine and Meurers
17.15-18.30             LKB

Tuesday - Friday
9.30-10.45              Sag
11.15-12.30             Koenig
12.30-14.00             Lunch
14.00-15.15             Pollard
15.45-17.00             Malouf
17.15-18.30             LKB/Levine and Meurers

9.00-10.15              Koenig
10.30-11.45             Pollard
11.45-12.45             coffee
12.45-14.00             Malouf

-------------- next part --------------

	     	    6 - 11 AUGUST 2001

    at the Linguistics Department, Norwegian University of
    	     Science and Technology, Trondheim,

The Linguistics Department, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), will offer a one week summer school in Constraint-based grammars, primarily HPSG. 

Topics include Syntax and Semantics in HPSG (and also Construction Grammar), Statistical approaches to grammar, and Grammar Engineering. Course descriptions are given below.

Lecturers are 
Frederik Fouvry, Universitaet des Saarlandes. 
Jean-Pierre Koenig, State University of New York, Buffalo, 
Robert Levine, Ohio State University , 
Robert P. Malouf, University of Groningen, 
Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University, 
Stephan Oepen, YY Software and CSLI Stanford, 
Carl Pollard, Ohio State University, and
Ivan A. Sag, Stanford University, 

The school is sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council and the Language Technology Programme of NorFA, and is open to all interested parties. (Enrollment limits will be imposed only for the practical course on Grammar engineering.)

There is no participation fee, and housing reservations can be made through the organizers 

The summer school will take place after HPSG-2001 (Aug. 3-5, also in 
Trondheim) and just before ESSLLI 2001 (Aug. 13-24, in Helsinki). It begins in the afternoon of Monday, August 6, and ends in the early afternoon of Saturday, August 11.

Web address for the school (and also for HPSG-2001) is

The summer school's location is the University Center at Dragvoll (in beautiful, hilly surroundings at the outskirts of town, with a view of the fjord, and direct access to hiking and biking trails).

Hotel rooms in Trondheim during the summer school are scarce, due to a number of conferences and exhibitions in the area. Therefore, a bulk reservation has been made at Trondheim Vandrerhjem (youth hostel style).  Reservations can be made through the organizers. In addition, a few guesthouse facilities near the school site will be available.

More information: Lars Hellan and Torbjørn Nordgård (organizers) 


Ivan Sag, Stanford University:

Core Clauses and Construction Theory

This course introduces a systematic syntactic and semantic analysis of key
English clausal constructions, including declaratives (indicatives,
subjunctives, and subjectless clauses) interrogatives (polars, wh-initial,
wh-in situ and sluices), exclamatives and imperatives. The approach that is
presented integrates Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar with key ideas from
Construction Grammar (specifically the version developed by Fillmore and Kay
and their colleagues) and Situation Semantics (in Barwise and Perry's sense).

Ginzburg, Jonathan, and Ivan Sag (2000) Interrogative Investigations. CSLI Publications: Stanford

Carl Pollard, Ohio State University:

Higher-Order Grammar: a Constraint-Based and Type-Logical Foundation for Linguistic Theory

Typed lambda calculi (Curry and Feys 1958) and their extensions known 
as higher-order logics (Church 1940, Henkin 1950, Gallin 1975) are 
widely employed in formal semantics. But as foundations for syntactic 
theory, they appear to have found few advocates (Curry 1961, Moshier 
1997). Based on a form of higher-order logic due to Lambek and Scott 
(1986), this course develops a grammar framework that combines the 
advantages of constraint-based and type-logical grammar. By way of 
illustration, novel and extremely simple new analyses are provided for 
(a) coordination of unlikes and (2) the distinction between lexical 
ambiguity and neutralization (feature value syncretism).

Jean-Pierre Koenig, State University of New York, Buffalo:

Semantics and the Lexicon
This course discusses the organization of lexical knowledge,
focussing particularly on the organization of semantic
knowledge and its interface with syntax. Topics covered
will include: The hierarchical lexicon (both with type-underspecification
and lexical rules), constructional morphology, linking, the
argument/adjunct distinction,
and the structure of lexical semantic representations. The approach
that will be presented is cast within Head-driven Phrase-Structure
Grammar, but comparison with Constructional Approaches to argument
structure will also be covered, as well as some experimental data
on the use of argument structure in human sentence processing.

Davis, Anthony and Jean-Pierre Koenig (2000) `Linking as constraints on
word classes in a hierarchical lexicon', Language. 76:56-91.
Koenig, Jean-Pierre (1999) Lexical Relations. CSLI publications:

Robert Malouf, University of Groningen:

Statistics for linguists

This course will offer a basic introduction to statistics for working HPSG 
linguists. Topics to be covered include basic probability and information 
theory, hypothesis testing, statistics for corpus analysis, and stochastic 
attribute value grammars.

Manning, Christopher D. and Hinrich Schütze.  1999. _Foundations of
   Statistical Natural Language Processing_. MIT Press.
Brew, Chris and Marc Moens. _Data-Intensive Linguistics_. Available at

Stephan Oepen, YY Software and CSLI Stanford,
 and Frederik Fouvry, Universitaet des Saarlandes

An Introduction to Practical Grammar Engineering using HPSG

The implementation of linguistically-based grammars for natural 
languages draws on a combination of engineering skills, sound 
grammatical theory, and software development techniques. This course 
provides a hands-on introduction to the methods and tools needed for 
building the precise, extensible grammars required both in research and 
in applications.
Through a combination of lectures and in-class exercises, students will 
investigate the implementation of constraints in morphology, syntax, 
and semantics, working within the unification-based lexicalist 
framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Topics to be 
addressed in the course include: the use of types and features, 
multiple inheritance, lexical rules, and constructions. The daily 
implementation exercises will be conducted in the freely-available 
<a href="">LKB</a> grammar 
development platform developed by Copestake et al, and will include 
experience with adding and repairing lexical types, lexical entries, 
lexical rules, phrase structure schemata, and compositional semantic 
While most of the course work will focus on small-ish grammars for 
English, we expect to apply our jointly acquired grammar engineering 
expertise to at least one other language towards the end of the week. 
Course registration will be limited, since this will be a highly 
interactive, hands-on course.

Background Reading 
- Copestake, Ann: The (New) LKB System. Manuscript. CSLI Stanford, 
Stanford, CA (2000). [see the LKB web site]
- Sag, Ivan and Wasow, Tom: Syntactic Theory. A Formal 
Introduction. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA (1999). 
- Shieber, Stuart: An Introduction to Unification-Based Approaches to 
Grammar. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA (1986).

Robert Levine and Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University:

Locality of grammatical relations 

A number of phenomena have been discussed in which traditionally local 
properties of embedded constituents apparently have to be visible 
outside of the local domain: case assignment (Meurers, 
Przepiorkowski), tag questions (Flickinger & Bender), "tough" 
complement structures (Levine), or relative clauses and complementizer 
agreement (Hoehle). The idea of this course is to discuss these 
constructions and investigate which properties of what kind of 
constituents need to persist in which non-local domain.

As general preparation, some understanding of the setup of HPSG and 
the idea of locality of selection would be helpful. So people without 
an HPSG background would profit from reading chapter 1, 3, and 7 of 
Pollard and Sag (1994). The two issues which caused us to look closer 
at cases where locality seems to be violated are also available:
Robert Levine: 'Tough' complementation and the extraclausal 
propagation of argument descriptions. In Dan Flickinger and Andreas 
Kathol: On-line proceedings of the 7th International Conference on 
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Available from
Detmar Meurers: Raising Spirits (and assigning them case). Groninger 
Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik (GAGL), Nr. 43. 
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, German Department. Available from

Tentative schedule of classes:

14.00-15.15             Sag
15.45-17.00             Levine and Meurers
17.15-18.30             LKB

Tuesday - Friday
9.30-10.45              Sag
11.15-12.30             Koenig
12.30-14.00             Lunch
14.00-15.15             Pollard
15.45-17.00             Malouf
17.15-18.30             LKB/Levine and Meurers

9.00-10.15              Koenig
10.30-11.45             Pollard
11.45-12.45             coffee
12.45-14.00             Malouf

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