HPSG Diagrams

Michael W Daniels daniels at ling.ohio-state.edu
Wed Dec 4 00:17:56 UTC 2002

At 03:12 PM 12/3/2002 -0800, Luis Casillas wrote:
>This "simplicity" floats on a background you have not articulated:

Not completely, though -- it would be fairly simple to use (La)TeX to
generate each AVM individually:


Then convert the result to a .eps file, and import that file into your
graphical word processor of choice. As far as the short term is concerned,
learning the avm package and the conversion/import process will certainly
take less time than learning all of (La)TeX.

In general, though, those tools which afford the greatest long-term gains
in productivity tend to have the steepest learning curves, and I've never
met anyone who, having put the time in to learn and use (La)TeX, regrets
doing so.

Michael W. Daniels        | Choreography is its own reward.
daniels at ling.osu.edu      | Some things are done only for the sake
Department of Linguistics | of form. Don't fight it by looking for
218 Oxley Hall            | substance in everything.

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