Linguists against boycotts

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at
Sat Jul 13 04:55:22 UTC 2002

>> exclusionary policies that they purport to oppose.
> ## Israel is not a race. This is not a boycott of Jewish academics.

Bigoted, then. I'm not sure how this influences the argument.

>> to note in the present instance that Dr. Shlesinger is a past chair
>> of the Israeli branch of Amnesty International and a long time critic
>> of Israel's policies in the occupied territories.
> ## It would be preferable to hear Dr Shlesinger's own reactions. Since
> she
> shares the aims of the boycott she may reluctantly accept the methods
> too.

Excellent suggestion. Here is the final paragraph of a news article on
the subject:

'Professor Shlesinger, who has lost a relative in a terrorist ambush, is
a former president of the Amnesty International chapter in Israel. She
said she had considered Professor Baker a close friend and colleague,
someone "who has helped me a lot," but considered her calling upon the
Holocaust to justify her actions "obscene."'

> ## This is an argument for no action against any injustice unless you
> tackle them all at the same time. If others want to take on these other
> issues, let them. Those who support the present boycott believe Israel
> is
> different.

I guess the problem is that this isn't really any 'action' against the
injustice at all. It has yet to be established that this academic
pseudo-activism accomplishes even a symbolic purpose beyond that of
damaging individual careers and providing some in academia with a salve
for their cloistered consciences. Is there anything in the publications
or teachings of the boycotted individuals which would suggest support of
the actions of the Israeli government in the occupied territories (as
was the case in World War II with some European Scholars vis-a-vis the

There is a long and richly-documented history of the United States
government 's uncritical and unwavering support of the State of Israel
and its policies. A similar boycott of US academics would be
impractical; however, Israel seems to present a more manageable target.

-Dan Parvaz

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