HPSG-2002 Revised Program

Stephen M. Wechsler wechsler at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jul 31 19:57:09 UTC 2002

              9th International Conference on
            Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
          Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
                      8-9 August 2002

The 9th International Conference on HPSG will take place on 8-9
August 2002, on the campus of the Kyung Hee University in Seoul,
South Korea.  The conference will be co-hosted by the Linguistic
Society of Korea (LSK) and the Center for the Study of Language,
Kyung Hee University, as part of the LSK Summer Conference 2002.  The
revised program appears below.

SPECIAL AUG. 7 LSK SYNTAX WORKSHOPS of interest to the HPSG community:

The Linguistic Society of Korea Conference will take place at the
same location on 5-7 August, 2002, immediately preceding HPSG-2002.
The final day of the LSK Conference, August 7, will feature two
syntax workshops directed at people working in HPSG and other
theoretical frameworks:

* Perspectives on Complex Predicates
Invited Workshop participants: Peter Sells (Stanford University);
Norbert Hornstein (Univ. of Maryland); Danièle Godard (CNRS,
University Paris 7); Hiroto Hoshi (Univ. of London)

* Perspectives on Inversion
Invited Workshop participants: Ivan Sag (co-organizer, Stanford
Univ.); Robert Levine (co-organizer, Ohio State Univ.); Howard Lasnik
(Univ. of Connecticut); Robert Borsley (Univ. of Essex)

LSK meeting website: http://web.kyunghee.ac.kr/~lsk2002/
Or contact Jong-Bok Kim, jongbok at khu.ac.kr .

(revised 7/30/02)

DAY 1: August 8, 2002

9:00-11:00  Session I
	    Chair: Tibor Kiss

	Aline Villavicencio and Ann Copestake
	University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory
	Verb-particle constructions in a computational grammar of English

	Andreas Kathol
	University of California at Berkeley
	Subjects in fronted German VPs and the problem of case and agreement:
	shared argument structures for discontinuous predicates

	Hee-Rahk Chae
	Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies and Univ. of Illinois
	Downward" Unbounded Discontinuities in Korean

11:00-11:15  break

11:15-12:35  Session II: Agreement
              Chair: Frank Van Eynde

	Luis D. Casillas Martinez
	Stanford University
	Gender mismatches in Spanish and French "N1 de N2" affective
	constructions: index agreement vs. morphosyntactic concord

	Shuichi Yatabe
	University of Tokyo
	A linearization-based theory of summative agreement in peripheral-node
	raising constructions

12:35-1:55  lunch and business meeting

1:55-2:45   Invited talk:
             Robert Borsley
             University of Essex
	    Agreement, mutation and missing NPs in Welsh

2:45-4:05   Session III: Case and passive
             Chair: Shuichi Yatabe

	Susanne Schoof
	University of Groningen
	Impersonal And Personal Passivization Of Latin Infinitive
	A Scrutiny Of The Structures Called AcI

	David Yoshikazu Oshima
	Stanford University
	Out of Control: A Unified Analysis of Japanese Passive

4:05-4:20  break

4:20-6:20  Session IV: Relative clauses
            Chair: Berthold Crysmann

	Kei Yoshimoto
	Tohoku University
	A Linear Approach to Relative Clause Embedding

	Chan Chung and Jong-Bok Kim
	Dongseo University and Kyung Hee University
	Differences between Externally and Internally Headed Relative Clause

	Yusuke Kubota
	University of Tokyo
	Yet Another HPSG-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in German

DAY 2: August 9, 2002

9:00 - 9:50  Invited Talk:
              Ivan Sag
              Stanford University
	     Coordination and Underspecification

9:50 -10:05  break

10:05-12:05  Session V
              Chair: Jesse Tseng

	Tibor Kiss
	Ruhr-Universität Bochum
	Phrasal typology and the interaction of topicalization, wh-movement and

	Abby Wright and Andreas Kathol
	University of California at Berkeley
	When a Head is not a Head: A Constructional Approach to
Exocentricity in

	Sun-Hee Lee
	The Ohio State University
	Korean Tough Constructions and Double Nominative Constructions

12:05-1:05   Lunch

1:05-2:00    Poster session

	Marianne Desmets
	CNRS/Paris 10 University
	French Free Relative Phrases in HPSG

	Valia Kordoni
	Computational Linguistics, University of Saarland
	Valence alternations in Modern Greek: an MRS analysis

	Junkyu Lee and Chungmin Lee
	Seoul National University
	Korean Resultative Constructions

	Eun-Jung Yoo
	Seoul National University
	Case Marking in Korean Auxiliary Verb Constructions

2:00-2:50    Invited Talk:
	     Robert Levine
	     The Ohio State University
              Adjunct valents: cumulative scoping adverbial constructions and
		impossible descriptions

2:50-4:10    Session VI
              Chair: Chan Chung

	Petya Osenova and Kiril Simov
	Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
	Bulgarian Vocative within HPSG framework

	Guenter Neumann and Dan Flickinger
	DFKI and CSLI Stanford
	HPSG-DOP: data-oriented parsing with HPSG

4:10-4:25    break

4:25-6:25    Session VII
              Chair: Andreas Kathol

	Frank Van Eynde
	Center for Computational Linguistics University of Leuven
	Prenominals in Dutch

	Berthold Crysmann
	DFKI GmbH & Saarland University
	Clitic Climbing Revisited

	Jesse Tseng
	Université Paris 7 and UFR Linguistique
	EDGE Features and French Liaison

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