dependency bank available

Tracy Holloway King thking at
Wed Nov 27 17:53:22 UTC 2002

Dear fellow HPSGers and LFGers,

     PARC is pleased to announce that a preliminary version of
its dependency bank is now publicly available at:

    What, you may ask, is a dependency bank?  It is a "treebank" which
encodes grammatical functions and other grammatical information (tense,
number, statement type, etc) without trees.  In particular, we have
created a dependency bank for 700 sentences randomly selected from the
UPenn Wall Street Journal tree bank.

    We hope that these banked structures will be of use to you.  In
addition we are interested in any comments you might have.  Do you
agree with the analyses we have chosen?  Is the feature set reasonable
for your purposes?  Is the format of the structures optimal?  Please
send any suggestions to thking at

   Note that in addition to the 700 dependency structures, the web
site provides:

   - documentation of the features found in the dependency bank
   - tools for:
       - displaying the structures in a more human readable
       - pruning the structures to suit your particular task

We strongly recommend downloading the documentation and tools with the
dependency bank (the documentation is in html and thus can be read

     In addition, a couple of papers (ACL02, LREC02) related to the
dependency bank are available for download.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Tracy Holloway King

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