HPSG for semantics?

Matthew Purver matthew.purver at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Jan 20 10:41:13 UTC 2003

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Pankaj Goyal wrote:

> I have a query.I would like to know whether HPSG has been used
> computationally for the semantics both at the sentencial and at the
> discourse level.

Dear Pankaj,

the main computational use of HPSG I know of is with MRS semantics in the
LKB system / LinGO grammar. It has also been used with glue semantics (see
Asudeh & Crouch 2001)

As far as the discourse level goes, we are currently using HPSG with
situation semantics in a prototype dialogue system (using the method of
Ginzburg, Sag & Purver 2001 to assign conversational move type, and
Ginzburg, Gregory & Lappin 2001 to resolve ellipsis). Similarly Alex
Lascarides, David Schlangen and others at Edinburgh are using HPSG+MRS to
handle dialogue phenomena like ellipsis.


Matthew Purver  <matthew.purver at kcl.ac.uk>

Logic, Language and Computation Group
Department of Computer Science
King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

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