CSSP 03 Call for papers

Olivier Bonami Olivier.Bonami at uhb.fr
Thu Jan 30 18:57:08 UTC 2003

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                             OCTOBER 2-4, 2003

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

THEMATIC SESSION    The Syntax and Semantics of Number

INVITED SPEAKERS    Nirit Kadmon (Tel Aviv University)
                    Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University ­ Berlin)
                    Robert Levine (Ohio State University)
                    Mark Steedman (Edinburgh University)
                    Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris 8 University)


The fifth Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris (CSSP 03) will take place
in Paris 7 University, on October 2­4, 2003. The Conference welcomes papers
combining empirical inquiry and formal explicitness. It aims at favouring
comparisons between diverse formal theories of syntax and semantics. The
domains of inquiry are syntax, semantics, and the syntax-semantics
CSSP conferences combine a general session and a thematic session. The theme
for the CSSP 03 thematic session is the syntax and semantics of Number.

Prospective speakers are invited to submit an abstract, no more than two
page long (including figures and references), written in French or English.
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail (plain ASCII, rtf, ps or pdf) before
April 30 to:

cssp01 at linguist.jussieu.fr

Authors who are not able to send an electronic version should send two hard
copies (one anonymous, one non-anonymous) of the abstract to:

Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique a Paris ‹ Universite Paris 7 ‹ UFRL, Case
7003 -  2 Place Jussieu ‹ 75251 Paris-Cedex 05 ‹ France

For more information:
Web site: http://www.llf.cnrs.fr/CSSP
E-mail: cssp01 at linguist.jussieu.fr

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami
(Chair, Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Danièle Godard
(CNRS-Paris 7)
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami
(Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Francis Corblin (Paris
4), Danièle Godard (CNRS-Paris 7), Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS-Paris 7)

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