COLING 2004 Workshop on CompLing and eLearning

Detmar Meurers dm at
Fri Feb 13 17:00:56 UTC 2004

                        First Call For Papers

             eLearning for Computational Linguistics and
               Computational Linguistics for eLearning

  International Workshop to be held in conjunction with COLING 2004

                      Geneva, August 28th, 2004

This workshop focuses on the relation between Computational
Linguistics and eLearning within two sessions.

1. eLearning for Computational Linguistics

With the SOCRATES thematic network project "Advanced computing in
the Humanities" the need for information technologies, and, in
particular, eLearning in the humanities, including CL, has been
identified. The survey which has been launched revealed the interest
in high-quality teaching material and (distance) courses.  On the
occasion of a conference and a workshop, both held 1998 and 1999
resp., first results were presented in the form of project notes.
Furthermore, didactic issues which concern (distance) teaching and
learning of computational linguistics and language technology were

In the meanwhile, various projects have provided high-quality
teaching material and (distance) courses for various disciplines of
Computational Linguistics, like ELSNET and MiLCA.

This part of the workshop should give practioners in the field the
* to share didactic experience of eTeaching CL,
* to identify and to disseminate good practice models and resources,
* to share novel approaches to eLearning in CL, and
* to discuss curricular issues.

2. Computational Linguistics for eLearning

In the context of computer-mediated distance learning, language
technology can help to enhance the accessibility of online teaching
material and the adaptivity of learning management systems.

* In the context of computer mediated communication, language
  technology can be applied for, e.g, summarization of discussion
  threads and support of discourse coherence in synchronous CMC

* In the context of accessibility and usability of online teaching
  material, language technology can be applied for, e.g.,
  - matching of semantic representations of learning modules on the
    one hand and the prospective user's knowledge of the topic on
    the other hand;
  - facilitation of access to learning material by more flexible and
    sophisticated search methods;
  - improvement of retrieval by supplying metadata for learning
    objects on a (semi)-automatic basis;
  - adaptive components which adjust the system to particular users,
    e.g adaptation of learning management systems for disabled
    persons, taking into account their special needs.

With this part of the workshop, we want to further address the role
which language technology plays in the development of intelligent
platforms for eLearning. We want to particularly encourage
submissions by scholars and software developers who present
implemented and working eLearning systems in which language
technology supplies a crucial part of the implemented solution.

The entire workshop constitutes an informal forum for researchers
and teachers to discuss the various issues, to create networks of
common interests and to launch new initiatives in the area of

We invite papers and project notes on the various topics concerned
with eLearning for CL and CL for eLearning.

Important Dates

Deadline for papers and project notes: 15 April 2004
Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2004
Deadline for a camera-ready copy of the paper: 15 June 2004
Workshop: 28 August 2004

Format for submission of papers

The expected length for full papers will be around 8 pages including
abstract, references and notes. The expected length for project
notes will be 5 pages maximum. We also inform potential authors that
their contributions will be published in the workshop proceedings
within COLING'04 and, therefore, the papers selected for publication
will have to adhere to COLING edition rules. More details about this
will be made available by COLING in due course, check or the
COLING homepage for details.

Submission procedure

Anonymous papers should be sent to: lothar at The
papershould be attached in PDF format accompanied by separate
authors' information. The heading on the email should read "Coling
Workshop paper submission". Notification of acceptance or rejection
will be sent to the originating email address.


All papers must be written and presented in English

Workshop organization

For the workshop to take place, the COLING 2004 organizers require
at least 20 participants to register for the workshop. Speakers and
participants are therefore asked to register via the official COLING
2004 site as soon as possible.

Program Committee

Lars Borin, University of Göteborg, Sweden
Kai-Uwe Carstensen, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Wolfgang Hess, University of Bonn, Germany
Trude Heift, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Erhard Hinrichs, University of Tübingen, Germany, co-chair
Claudia Kunze, University of Tübingen, Germany
Lothar Lemnitzer, University of Tübingen, Germany co-chair
Petra Ludewig, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University Columbus, USA, co-chair
Wolf Paprotté, University of Münster, Germany
Veit Reuer, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Kiril Simov, Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Pavel Smrz, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Maik Stührenberg, University of Gießen, Germany
Tzvetomira Venkova, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria
Maria Wolters, Rhetorical Systems, Edinburgh, UK

Organizers / Contact

          Erhard Hinrichs, University of Tübingen, Germany
          Lothar Lemnitzer, University of Tübingen, Germany
          Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA


Contact Address:
         Lothar Lemnitzer
         Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
         Abt. Computerlinguistik
         Wilhelmstr. 19
         D-72074 Tübingen, Germany
         Phone +49 7071 2978488, Fax +49 7071 295214
         E-Mail: lothar at

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