seeking MRS references

Dorothee Beermann dorothee.beermann at
Mon Nov 8 15:16:52 UTC 2004

Hi Steve,

I know of two recent papers from the semantic workshop at HPSG 04 that deal 
with linguistic problems using MRS

Markus Egg's  and Lars' and my paper;

Here the abstracts for both papers:

"Recent analyses of mismatches at the syntax-semantics interface 
investigate e.g. modification of agentive nouns (Larson, 1998), 
modification of quantifying pronouns (Abney, 1987), or recursive 
modification (Kasper, to appear). Each of these analyses is tailored to a 
specific set of data, and it is not immediately obvious how they could be 
generalised to cover a larger set of data. I propose a unified analysis for 
these mismatches that attempts to bring out their common ground. This 
analysis shares some of its basic intuitions with the one of Kasper, but is 
more general because the mismatches are handled locally in the CONT 
feature. Its pivot is an elaborate syntax-semantics interface that is based 
on a surface-oriented syntactic analysis. This analysis generalises easily 
to the mismatches at the morphology-semantics interface for German 
separable-prefix verbs that were discussed in (Müller, 2003).

Lars' and my paper:

"This article proposes a semantics of directional expressions in Norwegian 
and German, regarded as VP modifiers. The analysis uses Minimal Recursion 
Semantics, as an integrated part of Matrix-based HPSG grammars. Directional 
expressions are analyzed as modifying an individual, the 'mover'. Context 
dependent directionals like here receive a decomposed analysis. Telicity 
values reflecting various types of directional and locative expressions are 

If your students are interested in running the LKB (or already do that 
)then I could also send you a small grammar of German which computes
situation types, boundedness, path-telicity and delimitedness for a limited 
set of  constructions.

At 11:07 05.11.04 -0600, you wrote:
>For a course on HPSG I'm looking for papers applying Minimal Recursion 
>Semantics to the analysis of particular linguistic problems.  Thanks in 
>advance for any references.
>I'll post a summary.
>wechsler at
>Stephen Wechsler
>Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Texas, Calhoun Hall 403
>ph: (512) 232-7683 / fax:  (512) 471-4340
>postal address:
>Linguistics Department/ 1 University Station B5100/ Austin, TX 78712-1196
>F'04 Office Hours: Weds 9-12

Dorothee Beermann                               Tel:    work:   +4773596525
home:   +4773520373
Institutt for språk- og kommunikasjonsstudier
N-7491 Trondheim
e-mail: Dorothee.Beermann at
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