Location and Dates of HPSG 2005

Gert Webelhuth webelhuth at uni-goettingen.de
Sun Oct 31 09:00:38 UTC 2004

Dear All,

as Chair of the Standing Conference Committee I am pleased
to announce that towards the end of the summer the committee
received a gracious offer from Antonio Branco to organize
HPSG 2005 in Lisbon. The LSA Institute and ESSLLI impose
relatively tight scheduling constraints on the HPSG
conference. After some deliberation, the Standing Conference
Committee has unanimously decided on the following:

HPSG 2005 will be held in Lisbon from

from Aug 22-24 according to the following format:

Workshop: Aug, 22
HPSG conference: Aug 23-24

Manfred Sailer is been appointed as Chair of the Program

More details will be forthcoming!

I would like to thank Antonio and the members of the
Standing Committee for their help and cooperation!

HPSG 2006 will be held in Bulgaria (probably Varna) and will
be organized by Kiril Simov.

I hope to see you all at both conferences!

Finally, I would also like to thank everybody who helped
make this year's conference in Leuven such a success, in
particular Frank von Eynde who put on a perfect show. For
those of you who weren't there, it was the first HPSG
conference with an Espresso machine! Thanks Frank and your
team, thanks to the program committees for the conference
and the workshop!



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