citation for CP?

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Wed Dec 27 21:24:18 UTC 2006

Hi All,

This isn't exactly an HPSG question, but my experience is that y'all are
better keeping track of citations than us MP types. Does anyone know who
first proposed that S' was really headed by C and was a CP? I'm away from
all my books for the holidays and I haven't been able to find it on the

Many thanks,


	/ \			Andrew Carnie, Ph.D.
       /   \	  		Assoc. Professor of Linguistics
     	  / \    		Department of Linguistics
     	 /   \			Douglass 200E, University of Arizona
    	    / \			Tucson, AZ 85721
	   /   \
				Tel: (520) 621 2802  Cell: (520) 971 1166

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