Errata for Carnie (2008) Constituent Structure (fwd)

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Sat Aug 9 18:22:06 UTC 2008

Dear Colleagues,

I'm writing to any of you who might have recently purchased (or are
planning on purchasing) my 2008 book _Constituent Structure_ from OUP.

Due in part to some extremely unfortunate personal events (my father
passed away the very day I received the final proofs), I did not pay
sufficient attention to the final proofs of the book, and an unusually
high number of errors managed to make it into the final version. This
includes some very serious errors in some of the formal definitions and a
truly embarrassing number of typos. Two eagle-eyed readers (Dirk Bury and
Adam Przepirkowski) spotted nearly 5 pages worth of errata and I've added
some more of my own. Anyone who buys the book should be sure to download
the errata from my website at:

Any HPSG-L and LFG-L readers who spot any other mistakes are encouraged to
drop me a line so I can add them to the list.

OUP assures me they'll fix these in any future printings, if there are
any. In the meantime, I hope these errata will mollify any outrage at the
mistakes readers find.

Best and apologies,


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