ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

Helene Mazo info at elda.org
Thu Sep 18 08:53:26 UTC 2008

Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement.

ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELRA is happy to announce that 1 new Speech Resource is now available in 
its catalogue:

The Ph at ttSessionz speech database, funded by the German Ministry of 
Science and Education (BMBF), contains recordings of 864 adolescent 
of German (age range 12-20). The recordings were performed via the WWW 
in public schools (Gymnasium) in 41 locations in Germany. Recordings were
done with SpeechRecorder in selected schools in the years 2005-2007. 
Both channels, the headset and the desktop microphone, were recorded in 
high quality.

 The BAS PHATT corpus is available in two versions:

 *ELRA-S0282-01 BAS PHATT 1.0.X (sub-set)
*  This sub-set contains 41 items stored on 5 DVDs.
 For more information, see: 

 *ELRA-S0282-02 BAS PHATT 1.1.X (complete corpus)
*  The complete set contains 138 items stored on 15 DVDs.
 For more information, see: 

For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli 
mailto:mapelli at elda.org

Visit our on-line catalogue: http://catalog.elra.info 

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