2nd CfP: Workshop on Extrinsic Parse Improvement (EPI) at ESSLLI-13

Dickinson, Markus md7 at indiana.edu
Fri Dec 21 16:11:54 UTC 2012

*** Second Call for Papers ***

ESSLLI-13 Workshop on Extrinsic Parse Improvement (EPI)
12-16 August 2013
Duesseldorf, Germany

The workshop on Extrinsic Parse Improvement (EPI) will provide a forum 
for researchers who work on improving parsing as pre- or 
post-processing steps, that is, for adapting and improving parses 
without modifying the parser itself.  The focus of the workshop is on 
methods for modifying treebank representations, which can then be used 
to train parsers; on methods for automatically extending the training 
set with new examples; and on methods for improving parser output by 
post-corrections, or even on detecting reliable or deviant parses.

All these methods are used regularly for adapting parsers to new types 
of text, with different goals: either to adapt the syntactic annotation 
scheme to improve parsing performance (Manning and Klein 2003), to 
improve parser output (Hall and Novak 2011), to adapt a parser to new 
domains (Candito et al. 2011), to parse the web (Le Roux et al. 2012), 
to find errors in treebanks or parses (Dickinson and Smith 2011), or to 
discover reliable parses (Kawahara and Uchimoto 2008). However, many of 
these methods are used only in specific contexts.  This workshop will 
bring together researchers from different areas to foster 
cross-fertilization between different areas of parsing correction and 
adaptation. We are especially encouraging young researchers to submit 
completed work as well as work in progress, which may profit from 
discussions with other researchers.

The areas of interest for this joint workshop include, but are not 
limited to, the following topics:

* domain adaptation for parsing
* parsing non-canonical language
* parse correction
* error detection
* tree transformation
* semi-supervised approaches to parsing such as self-training or co-training
* active learning for parsing
* sentence simplification


1 Feb. 2013 paper submission deadline
1 April 2013 notification of acceptance
15 May 2013 camera-ready papers due

Submissions will be in form of short papers: 6 pages, including 
references, in pdf, following the most recent ACL guidelines 
(http://www.acl2012.org/program/introduction.asp). Submission via the 
EasyChair system is open: 

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Reviewing will 
be blind. Thus, papers have to be anonymous. Accepted papers will be 
published online at CEURS. We are also in negotiation with a journal 
about a special issue on the workshop topic.


The workshop will be held as part of ESSLLI in August 2013 in 
Duesseldorf, Germany. More information about ESSLLI can be found at the 
ESSLLI web pages at http://esslli2013.de/.

Program Committee

Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Marie Candito (University of Paris 7, France)
Jinho Choi (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Jennifer Foster (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Kim Gerdes (University of Paris 3, France)
Gülsen Eryigit (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
Jonas Kuhn (IMS Stuttgart, Germany)
Joseph Le Roux (Université Paris-Nord, France)
David McClosky (Stanford University, USA)
Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Ines Rehbein (University of Potsdam Germany)
Djamé Seddah (University of Paris 4, France)
Reut Tsarfaty (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Josef van Genabith (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Fei Xia (University of Washington, USA)

For questions, contact Sandra Kuebler (skuebler at indiana.edu) or Markus 
Dickinson (md7 at indiana.edu).

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