New Submissions to the HPSG Bib

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at
Fri Jun 1 13:09:17 UTC 2012


Please find below a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG
Bibliography during the last three month. There were 10 new
submissions. Thanks to everybody who submitted something.

We have 1255 publications in total now.

Please submit further entries at

You may also send me BibTeX entries and I will integrate them.

Best wishes


Stefan Müller       Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973
                     Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14 195 Berlin

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 	address      = "Istanbul, Turkey",
 	author       = "Antske Fokkens, Tania Avgustinova and Yi Zhang",
 	booktitle    = "Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)",
 	email        = "afokkens at",
 	editor       = "Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair) and Khalid Choukri and Thierry Declerck and Mehmet Uğur Doğan and Bente Maegaard and Joseph Mariani and Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis",
 	homepage     = "",
 	publisher    = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA",
 	title        = "CLIMB grammars: three projects using metagrammar engineering",
 	year         = "2012"
 	author       = "Antske Fokkens, Yi Zhang and Emily Bender",
 	booktitle    = "Proceedings of the 25th PACLIC",
 	email        = "afokkens at",
 	homepage     = "http://",
 	title        = "pring Cleaning and Grammar Compression: Two Techniques for Detection of Redundancy in HPSG Grammars",
 	year         = "2011"
 	author       = "Bender, Emily M. and Wax, David and Goodman, Michael Wayne",
 	booktitle    = "LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 2012",
 	email        = "ebender at",
 	homepage     = "",
 	title        = "From IGT to Precision Grammar: French Verbal Morphology",
 	url          = "",
 	year         = "2012"
 	author       = "Robert D. Borsley and Mohamed Krer",
 	institution  = "Dept. of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex",
 	number       = "61.2",
 	title        = "An {HPSG} Approach to Negation in {Libyan Arabic}",
 	type         = "Essex Research Reports in Linguistics",
 	url          = "",
 	year         = "2012"
 	address      = "New York, NY",
 	author       = "Francez, Nissim and Wintner, Shuly",
 	publisher    = "Cambridge University Press",
 	title        = "Unification Grammars",
 	url          = "",
 	year         = "2012"
 	author       = "Petr Gromov",
 	school       = "Linguistics Department at the University of Essex",
 	title        = "Implementing {Sign-Based Construction Grammar} with {TRALE}",
 	url          = "",
 	url_checked  = "04.22.12",
 	year         = "2010"
 	address      = "Trondheim",
 	author       = "Petter Haugereid",
 	number       = "3",
 	pages        = "123--138",
 	publisher    = "Department of Language and Communication Studies, NTNU Trondheim",
 	title        = "A Constructional Approach to Syntax and the Treatment of Passive in {Norwegian}",
 	type         = "Working papers isk",
 	url          = "",
 	url_checked  = "04.22.12",
 	year         = "2006"
 	author       = "Line Hove Leander Mikkelsen",
 	institution  = "Centre for Cognitive Science University of Edinburgh",
 	title        = "An {HPSG} Analysis of Agreement in {Danish} Noun Phrases",
 	type         = "Research Paper EUCCS-RP-1998-5",
 	url          = "",
 	year         = "1998"
 	address      = "Copenhagen",
 	author       = "Costanza Navarretta and Anne Neville",
 	booktitle    = "Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, NoDaLiDa 1998",
 	pages        = "57--67",
 	title        = "An {HPSG} Marking Analysis of {Danish} Determiners and Clausal Adverbials",
 	url          = "",
 	url_checked  = "21.03.2012",
 	year         = "1998"
 	address      = "Bingley, England",
 	author       = "Runner, Jeffrey T. & Micah B. Goldwater",
 	booktitle    = "Experiments at the Interfaces",
 	editor       = "Runner, Jeffrey T.",
 	number       = "37",
 	pages        = "220-250",
 	publisher    = "Emerald Publication",
 	series       = "Syntax and Semantics",
 	title        = "On the Representational Nature of Representational Noun Phrases",
 	year         = "2011"
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