New Submissions to the HPSG Bib

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at
Fri Mar 2 21:22:29 UTC 2012


Please find below a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG
Bibliography during the last three month. There were 12 new
submissions. Thanks to everybody who submitted something.

We have 1245 publications in total now.

Please submit further entries at

You may also send me BibTeX entries and I will integrate them.

Best wishes


        address      = "Stanford",
        author       = "Valerio Allegranza",
        booktitle    = "Romance in HPSG",
        email        = "v.allegranza at",
        editor       = "Sergio Balari and Luca Dini",
        homepage     = "",
        pages        = "55--108",
        publisher    = "CSLI Publications",
        title        = "Determiners as functors: NP structure in Italian",
        url          =
        year         = "1998"

        address      = "Luxembourg",
        author       = "Valerio Allegranza",
        booktitle    = "Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature
Structure Formalisms",
        email        = "v.allegranza at",
        homepage     = "",
        pages        = "281--314",
        publisher    = "Official Publications of the European Communities",
        title        = "Determination and Quantification",
        url          =
        volume       = "10",
        year         = "1998"

        address      = "Frankfurt am Main",
        author       = "Valerio Allegranza",
        email        = "v.allegranza at",
        homepage     = "",
        publisher    = "Peter Lang",
        series       = "SABEST: Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Sprach- und
        title        = "The Signs of Determination. Constraint-Based
Modelling Across Languages",
        url          = "",
        volume       = "16",
        year         = "2007"

        author       = "Thomas Bader",
        school       = "Philosophisch-historische Fakult{\"a}t der
Universit{\"a}t Bern",
        title        = "The Analysis of Passive and Raising
Constructions in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} and {Arc Pair
        type         = "Inauguraldissertation",
        url          =
        url_checked  = "02.26.12",
        year         = "1995"

        address      = "Philadelphia",
        author       = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the ICASSP 2005",
        pages        = "829--832",
        title        = "Using Rule-Based Knowledge to Improve {LVCSR}",
        volume       = "5",
        year         = "2005"

        author       = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat
        booktitle    = "2005 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech
Recognition and Understanding",
        organization = "IEEE",
        pages        = "104--109",
        title        = "Integrating a Non-Probabilistic Grammar into
Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition",
        year         = "2005"

        author       = "Ren{\'e} Beutler",
        school       = "Swiss Federal Instiute of Technology Zurich",
        title        = "Improving Speech Recognition through Linguistic
        type         = "Diss ETH No. 17039",
        year         = "2007"

        author       = "Anne Bjerre and Tavs Bjerre",
        journal      = "Nordic Journal of Linguistics",
        number       = "1",
        pages        = "5--53",
        title        = "Perfect and Periphrastic Passive Constructions
in {Danish}",
        volume       = "30",
        year         = "2007"

        address      = "Sydney, Australia",
        author       = "Blunsom, Phil and Timothy Baldwin",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing",
        editor       = "Dan Jurafsky and Eric Gaussier",
        pages        = "164--171",
        publisher    = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
        title        = "Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition for
{HPSG}s via Supertagging",
        year         = "2006"

        author       = "Robert D. Borsley",
        number       = "61.1",
        pages        = "1--26",
        title        = "Apparent Filler-Gap Mismatches in {Welsh}",
        type         = "Essex Research Reports in Linguistics",
        url          =
        url_checked  = "02.26.12",
        year         = "2011"

        author       = "Tobias Kaufmann",
        school       = "Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory,
ETH Z{\"u}rich",
        title        = "A Rule-based Language Model for Speech Recognition",
        year         = "2009"

        address      = "Stuttgart",
        author       = "Manfred Sailer",
        booktitle    = "Idiome, Konstruktionen, "verbl\"umte rede".
Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der germanistischen Phraseologieforschung",
        email        = "sailer at",
        editor       = "Michael Prinz and Ulrike Richter-Vapaatalo",
        number       = "3",
        pages        = "241--262",
        publisher    = "S.\@ Hirzel Verlag",
        series       = "Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der Germanistik",
        title        = "Phraseologie und Syntax (Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar)",
        year         = "2012"

Stefan Müller       Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973
                    Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14 195 Berlin

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