Plagirism again, please join the discussion on research gate

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at FU-BERLIN.DE
Sun Mar 30 07:17:03 UTC 2014

Am 30.03.14 00:22, schrieb Scott Drellishak:
> Is it possible you've stumbled upon an NLP-based, Sokal-esque probing
> of the peer review process?

It looks as if somebody set this up to harm somebody else, right? But
these pages are operative for over half a year now (GRIN) and four
months RG (see her statistics). She has 23 publications and ten
followers from

Universidad de Sevilla
University of Malaga
Universidad Pablo de Olavide

So if this would be a fake account, these followers would have noticed.

As for NLP: Research gate dramatically fails here. They report the
following papers as similar:

- Projektbericht Interdisziplinäre Projektarbeit - Entwicklung eines
Interfaces zur kognitiven Anreicherung der Interaktion von Lokführern
mit der Punktförmigen Zugbeeinflussung

- Kontinuitäten im Naturschutz


One is about train drivers, one about nature protection and one about

I guess they should hire computational linguists.

> Have you contacted her yourself? I suppose the proper thing is to do
> that first, but if you don't get a satisfactory reaction from her

I got a reply via RG. She said she was sorry and took the paper off. But
it is still there and so are the papers on GRIN and amazon. (Maybe
removing it from amazon and grin is not possible for her.) Actually
there is a lot of stuff:

This is also offered:

It contains stuff taken from the Handbook on Ontologies
 by Steffen Staab,Rudi Studer (from a paper by G. Hirst again),+or+a+more-complex+structure+may+be+imposed+upon+it.+For+example,+a+lexicon+may+be+organized+hierarchically,+with+default+inheritance+of+linguistic%22&source=bl&ots=fAKz6UNO_B&sig=iYQ2I7ilmblB1gimZxfot_jPkTE&hl=de&sa=X&ei=BqM3U4nXFYOwywPboICgDw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22A%20lexicon%20may%20be%20just%20a%20simple%20list%20of%20entries%2C%20or%20a%20more-complex%20structure%20may%20be%20imposed%20upon%20it.%20For%20example%2C%20a%20lexicon%20may%20be%20organized%20hierarchically%2C%20with%20default%20inheritance%20of%20linguistic%22&f=false

By the way: I searched for

And this returned also links to work by other authors.

Well, we know that sentence length is finite and there are just finitely
many ways to express certain propositions, so maybe these authors just
wanted to express exactly this thought in this way.

(Summary for young researcher (and senior ones too): Do not copy and
paste, not even for general statements and short passages. Either quote
or use your own words. See below.)

The stuff is also sold on amazon:

You may read some parts of it here:

The first paragraphs of the text are copied from this:

So maybe all of this stuff is of the same quality and of course then it
is not simple to take it down, since the followers will notice.

Well, I guess the followers will notice since this week she will break
all department records in the RG statistics.

By the way: RG seems to fake the stats (or they have a problem with it),
since currently that publication view statistics of yesterday does not
show this paper. Yesterday she had like 140 views and 40 downloads. I
started saving the stats.

Or maybe it is a sanity check (against minipulation of the RG score) and
it is a feature of RG and not a bug.

> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 1:39 PM, farrell ackerman
> <fackerman at <mailto:fackerman at>> wrote:
> If all of this is at it seems, this is revealing itself as a sort of 
> artistry:  the impulse to create articles based entirely on pieces of
> other peoples' publications seems engagingly perverse, while the
> talent for culling and contextualizing is wondrous.  -Farrell

Well, I agree. So at least for the Vorfeld-Paper everything that was
contributed directly by her (or whoever did this) is of poor quality.
Misspellings, wrong constituent order. Wrong collocations. And as such
it is unclear to me what the message of this compiled form of the paper
was supposed to be ... Is it about Spanish/German contrasts? Not really.

As for her university: Non of this stuff was peer reviewed
(fortunately). I wonder how the university rates the output of their

Another message to take from here: Young researchers (and senior ones
too): submit to journals and publishers with strict peer reviewing.
Everything else is absolutely worthless. As you can see, everybody can
put stuff on amazon or grin or .... I could name some other publisher ....

Best wishes and thanks to everybody for feedback!


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