[HPSG-L] Deadline Extension: DGfS workshop One-to Many Relations in Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics

Berthold Crysmann berthold.crysmann at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 17:06:04 UTC 2017

Dear all,

please note that the deadline for the DGfS workshop has been extended 
to August 15, 2017.

The web site will hopefully be updated soon.


Deadline Extension:

*One-to-Many Relations in Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics*

Workshop at DGfS 2018, 7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart

Organiser: Berthold Crysmann (CNRS, Paris)
Web: http://drehu.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr/one2many-dgfs2018
Contact: onetomanydgfs2018 at easychair.org

Deadline for submission: * 15 August 2017 *

Invited speakers:

- Andrew Spencer (U Essex)

- Hedde Zeijlstra (U Göttingen)

Aims and background:

The standard view of the form-meaning interfaces, as embraced by the
great majority of contemporary grammatical frameworks, consists in the
assumption that meaning can be associated with grammatical form in a
one-to-one correspondence. Under this view, composition is quite
straightforward, involving concatenation of form, paired with
functional application in meaning. The workshop aims at highlighting
linguistic phenomena across several grammatical sub-modules
(morphology, syntax, semantics) that apparently pose a problem for the
standard view. The relevant phenomena include fusion as well as
multiple and overlapping exponence and are, in different disguise,
present at all levels of grammar. Such one-to-many (or many-to-many)
relations manifest themselves, e.g., in inflectional paradigms, in
periphrastic constructions, in complex predicate formation, with
resumption, in semantic concord phenomena, and in polyadic
quantification. Formal accounts of such phenomena attempt to model
them (i) as 1-to-1 relations by imposing additional structure, (ii) as
essentially holistic phenomena, or (iii) by means of decomposition,
combining constructional and compositional views. The workshop has two
main aims: First, to foster awareness of the ubiquity of one-to-many
relations and, consequently, to re-assess them as an essential
property of natural language grammar. Second, to evaluate the analytic
tools developed for handling them for their adequacy and scalability
across the modules of grammar.

Contributions should present detailed studies of exemplary phenomena
of one-to-many relations with an empirical or formal emphasis,
addressing questions such as: Which grammatical frameworks are
particularly apt to accommodate deviations from one-to-many relations?
How to extract relevant generalizations over holistic one-to-many and
many-to-many relations? What are the differences and similarities of
one-to-many relations throughout the modules of grammar?

We aim at having scientific debates across subdisciplines and
frameworks and are interested in an empirically grounded,
theoretically oriented fruitful exchange of ideas and problems,
ideally of course including explicit analyses.

Important dates:

- 15 August 2017: deadline for submissions

- 15 September: notification of acceptance

- 7-9 March 2018: Workshop @ DGfS


We accept one page abstracts, describing original research on the
topic. Submissions must be strictly anonymous. We use Easychair to
organise the anonymous review process, so please submit your
contribution to 

Programme chair:

Berthold Crysmann (CNRS, Paris)

Programme committee:

Farrell Ackerman (UC San Diego)
Doug Arnold (U Essex)
Ash Asudeh (U Oxford)
Jenny Audring (U Leiden)
Raffaela Bernardi (U Trento)
Olivier Bonami (U Paris-Diderot)
Bob Borsley  (U Essex)
Heather Burnett (CNRS, Paris)
Pegah Faghiri (Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Berit Gehrke (CNRS, Paris)
Thomas Hoffmann (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Janneke Huitink (U Groningen & U Frankfurt)
Laura Kallmeyer (U Düsseldorf)
Jean-Pierre Koenig (SUNY Buffalo)
Stefan Müller (HU Berlin)
Doris Penka (U Konstanz)
Frank Richter (U Frankfurt)
Louisa Sadler (U Essex)
Manfred Sailer (U Frankfurt)
Martin Salzmann (U Leipzig)
Andrew Spencer (U Essex)
Henriette De Swart (U Utrecht)
Gert Webelhuth (U Frankfurt)

Berthold Crysmann <berthold.crysmann at gmail.com>
CNRS, Laboratoire de linguistique formelle (UMR 7110)
Adresse postale : Case 7031, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75205 Paris cedex 13
Adresse géographique : bureau 545, bât. Olympe de Gouges, 8 rue 
Albert Einstein, 75013 Paris

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