[HPSG-L] HPSG Bibliography (+ Reminder)

Elodie Winckel elodie.winckel at hu-berlin.de
Fri Aug 30 10:59:22 UTC 2019

Dear HPSG community,

I encountered some technical difficulties updating the Bibliography 
since my last email for reminder and I am several months late to annonce 
the new entries. Sorry for that. Hopefully, I'll do it better from now on!

There have been some new entries in the HPSG bibliography:

Bîlbîie, Gabriela. 2017.
     Gram­maire des con­struc­tions el­lip­tiques: Une étude 
com­par­a­tive des phras­es sans verbe en roumain et en français. Vol 2 
of Empirical­ly Ori­ent­ed The­o­ret­i­cal Mor­phol­o­gy and Syn­tax, 
Berlin: Lan­guage Sci­ence Press. URL: 

Eynde, Frank Van. 2018.
     Reg­u­lar­i­ty and id­iosyn­cra­cy in the for­ma­tion of 
nom­i­nals. Jour­nal of Lin­guis­tics 54(4):823–858.

You can also already submit new entries, here:

Alternatively, you can send me BibTeX entries or raw references, and I 
will take care of the rest.

Best regards,
Elodie Winckel

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