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Dear All,
<br>the mportant dates for submission have been updated.
<p>please see below.
<br>Subject: Pre-COLING 2002 Seminar - Calls for Papers
<p>Call for Papers
<br>Seminar on linguistic meaning representation and their applications
over the World Wide Web
<br>19 - 21 August, 2002, before COLING 2002</center>
Crown Prince Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
<p>The organizing committee wishes to invite submissions to the Seminar
on linguistic meaning representation and their applications over the World
Wide Web which will be held on 19 - 21 August, 2002, in Penang, Malaysia
in conjunction with COLING 2002.
<p>The past decade has witnessed an explosion in the availability of information
online. Documents on just about every topic are accessible via the Internet.
As the amount of information increases, the difficulty in the assimilation
and utilization of such a large amount of information becomes more apparent.
Given the huge amount of information, the question then arises on how the
information may be analyzed and how access to the information can be facilitated.
Hence, there is a need to find effective ways to annotate web information
to facilitate automatic processing.
<p>In this seminar, we encourage papers on either theoretical or applied
research which focus on Web information annotation based on the linguistic
meaning representations. We also welcome papers on working systems
which provide a critical appraisal of their capabilities as well as their
limitations. This seminar will consider in particular the usage of linguistic
meaning representation in areas such as:
<p>1. Web natural language description annotation
<br>2. Web directory annotation
<br>3. Web graphic object annotation
<br>4. Web sound object annotation
<br>5. Web page annotation
<p>In addition to the paper presentations and their discussions, there
will also be demonstration sessions and a panel session. The demonstration
sessions are opened to anyone who wishes to demonstrate their systems.
Presenters however are required to submit a paper describing the current
status of their demonstration systems, besides the significant contributions
and limitations.
<br>These papers will be included in the seminar proceedings.
<p>In the panel session we plan to bring together a group of experts working
on different type of annotation schemes to compare/integrate various approaches
to Web information annotation.
<p>For additional information on the seminar, please go to this website
which will be updated from time to time: <A HREF="http://utmk.cs.usm.my/seminar2002">http://utmk.cs.usm.my/seminar2002</A>.
<br>Paper submission deadline:
June 15, 2002
<br>Notification of acceptance for papers: July 1, 2002
<br>Camera ready papers due:
July 15, 2002
<br>Seminar date:
August 19 - 21, 2002
<p>Submissions must use the ACL latex style or ACL Microsoft Word style,
both of which can be found at Latex style sheet (intended for use with
the acl.bst BibTeX bibliography style) and MS-Word document template. Paper
submissions should consist of a full paper of no more than 8 pages (including
references). Questions pertaining to papers submission or conference should
be sent to seminar2002@cs.usm.my.
<p>Submission Procedure:
<p>Electronic submission only: send the pdf (preferred), postscript or
MS Word form of your submission to: seminar2002@cs.usm.my. The Subject
line should be "Pre-COLING 2002 Seminar PAPER SUBMISSION". An identification
page must be sent together with the paper and must include title, all authors,
theme area, keywords, and an abstract of no more than 5 lines. Late
submissions will not be accepted. Notification of receipt will be e-mailed
to the first author shortly after receipt.
<p>There will be a registration fee of USD50.00 / RM190.00 per person.
The registration fee includes opening reception, proceedings, lunches,
refreshments in the morning and afternoon coffee breaks and a banquet.
A banquet for the participants and guests will be organized on the evening
of 20 August 2002 (Tuesday).
<p>The Organizing Committee:
<p>Prof. Zaharin Yusoff, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (Chair)
<br>Pr. Christian Boitet, Joseph Fourier University, France
<br>Mr. Michel Pasquier, French Embassy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
<br>Dr. Tang Enya Kong, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
<br>Dr. Chuah Choy Kim, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
<br>Mr. Tan Ewe Hoe, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
<br>Dr. Lai W. K., Mimos, Malaysia
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