Workshop on Lambda-Calculus, Type Theory, and Natural Language 2003 King's College, London December 8 and 9, 2003 Organizers: Maribel Fernandez (King's College London), Chris Fox (University of Essex), Shalom Lappin (King's College London). Sponsors: Department of Computer Science, King's College London Department of Computer Science, University of Essex Speakers: David Clark , King's College London, U.K. Robin Cooper , Göteborg University, Sweden Maribel Fernandez , King's College London, U.K. Chris Fox , University of Essex, U.K. Dov Gabbay , King's College London, U.K. Jamie Gabbay , INRIA Futurs, France Simon Gay , University of Glasgow, U.K. Jonathan Ginzburg , King's College London, U.K. Chris Hankin , Imperial College, U.K. Shalom Lappin , King's College London, U.K. Ian Mackie , King's College London, U.K. Francois-Regis Sinot , Ecole Polytechnique, France Ray Turner , University of Essex, U.K. Keynote Speaker: Jan van Eijck , CWI, Netherlands Programme: Monday, December 8th. 9:30 Coffee - Welcome 10:00 Opening 10:15 Chris Hankin. Lambda calculus and static analysis. 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Ian Mackie. Reduction in the lambda calculus. 12:15 Francois-Regis Sinot. N-ary director strings: Efficient representations of variables in terms. 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Jan van Eijck. Relations, Types and Scoping. 15:00 Chris Fox and Shalom Lappin. Underspecified Semantic Representations for Natural Language in a Lambda Calculus with Curry Typing. 15:45 Coffee Break 16:15 Jonathan Ginzburg. Abstraction and Ontology. 17:00 Robin Cooper. Records and record types in semantic theory. 19:00 Dinner Tuesday, December 9th. 9:30 Coffee 10:00 Maribel Fernandez. Rewriting Frameworks and Types. 10:45 David Clark. Measuring interference in PCF. 11:30 Coffee Break 12:00 Jamie Gabbay and Dov Gabbay. The restart rule and evaluation. 12:45 Lunch 14:00 Ray Turner. Polymorphism in Specifications. 14:45 Simon Gay. Session Types: Specifying Structured Communication. 15:30 Closing Participation: Everyone is cordially invited to attend, and there is no registration charge. Proceedings: A collection of abstracts will be available at the workshop. After the workshop speakers will be invited to submit a full paper for a special issue of Logic and Computation. Full papers will be subject to a refereeing process according to the standards of the journal. Location: All the talks will take place at King's College London: Room GFES3 (Ground Floor, Strand Building), Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, U.K. Maps and information: King's College London For any further questions: Please contact the organizers Maribel Fernandez, Chris Fox, Shalom Lappin, Workshop web site: