[I-LanD Research Centre] The I-LanD Seminar Series

I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre i-land at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Apr 28 06:45:59 UTC 2022

Dear all,

The sixth seminar of The I-LanD Seminar Series, scheduled for today Thursday, April 28, 2022, 4:30 p.m. (CET time), will see Eleonora Federici (University of Ferrara) engaging in conversation with Rodrigo Borba (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Carmen Ferrara (University of Naples “Federico II”), Lexi Webster (Manchester Metropolitan University), and Angela Zottola (University of Turin) on "Gender in Trans-ition". The language of the seminar will be English. Join in the conversation by clicking on the following link: Partecipa alla conversazione (microsoft.com)<https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3AG9AiHyOxKGBSISPo1SR4kduPxVEBqXO4FQlajxCq1Gs1%40thread.tacv2%2F1646405748387%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522559af9f1-8687-431c-8ba8-6cc0da769dd4%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%2522441bce66-c27d-482a-8114-2fc5ebdd05ae%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=361c6005-7e39-4a14-8bdd-aa1bce74dc8d&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true>

Innovative in nature, The I-LanD Seminar Series showcase convenors debating issues in their field(s) of expertise. The seminars aim to encourage speakers to reveal insights, introduce adopted methodologies, highlight pitfalls and generally expand knowledge in a given area. Each co-host will briefly present their contribution to the theme of the seminar. At the end of each round, fellow convenors and audience members will ask questions on the topics presented in order to foster an enriching and productive discussion. The critical approach adopted throughout each seminar aims to make these encounters a perfect opportunity for scholars to further their knowledge and take a lively part in the discussion. Young academics (e.g., PhD students, junior researchers, etc.) are actively encouraged to join in and learn more about the theoretical approaches and methodologies adopted in a given field of investigation. Students with a specific interest in the topics under discussion are also warmly encouraged to attend.

More information on The I-LanD Seminar Series can be found online at https://www.unior.it/ateneo/27821/1/the-i-land-seminar-series.html
The I-LanD Seminar Series<https://www.unior.it/ateneo/27821/1/the-i-land-seminar-series.html>
The I-LanD Seminar Series. Ciclo di seminari organizzato da . Giuseppe Balirano e Emilio Amideo . Dal carattere innovativo, il ciclo di seminari The I-LanD Seminar Series (online tramite Microsoft Teams e in presenza all’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”) intende investigare una serie di tematiche specifiche legate agli interessi del Centro di Ricerca I-LanD.

We hope to see you all there!

All the best,

Emilio Amideo
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