[I-LanD Research Centre] Messina 1st Workshop on Research Methodologies in English Linguistics: "Foundations and New Directions"

I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre i-land at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Sep 19 16:44:06 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Please, find below all the information regarding an upcoming workshop that may be of interest to you and your colleagues.

Kind regards,
Antonio Fruttaldo
International Relationship and
Communication Coordinator

I-LanD Research Centre

Università di Napoli L'Orientale
Palazzo S. Maria Porta Coeli
Via Duomo, 219 - 80138 Naples
Room 1.23
ph. +39 081 6909861
website: http://www.unior.it/ateneo/14038/1/i-land-research-centre.html

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Apologies for cross-posting

Dear friends and colleagues,

Please find attached a short description of our first workshop of the series Research Methodologies in English Linguistics on "Foundations and New Directions", which will take place in Messina (October 26-27, 2023).

With this first workshop of the series, we wish to promote a productive discussion on the different methodologies in English linguistics. We would like to explore what we can do with these different methods (and/or how we can realistically combine them) and the kind of research questions that we can address. We will also discuss the empirical findings we are most interested in (and why!), in light of the new challenges that the complex linguistic, multisemiotic and translanguaging scenario(s) are bringing to the fore.

We are pleased to offer this workshop with no fees, and we hope this opportunity will encourage many young researchers to join us. We believe that these events should be as "open access" as possible. Please feel free to share this message with your PhD students, potentially interested colleagues, and anyone keen on participating in open and constructive discussions in English linguistics.

In this first workshop on Research Methodologies in English Linguistics, we are proud to have experienced scholars from different paths of research as confirmed plenary speakers, who will surely contribute to this ongoing debate in English linguistics and provide much food for thought.

The full programme will be available soon.
To register, please fill in this google form at your earliest convenience, but (please!) no later than Tuesday 3 October 2023: https://forms.gle/94VRrdfuwH1ZGTAR7<https://eu-central-1.protection.sophos.com?d=forms.gle&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5nbGUvOTRWUnJkZnV3SDFaR1RBUjc=&i=NjM2NGZiMDk4YzM2NmMxMGViNDE2ZmU1&t=RytRQTBuaDhlY1NPVUlVemlRWUVjYjk5WGdDREcrSWlLdXRWdnRhVGNFaz0=&h=34bf8facf9674489b89d35d12d326b84&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVYuh94tYLz5PdAe6kE1Lj4cjHwxr1molXFXyHzpr17kDA>

We look forward to seeing you in Messina!

With my best wishes
Maria Grazia Sindoni (and Local Organizing Committee)


Maria Grazia Sindoni, PhD

Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation

Deputy Rector for University Language Policies

Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne

Università degli Studi di Messina

tel +390906766395

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