Greetings ILAT Members!

Phil Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Oct 29 04:33:26 UTC 2002

Welcome to ILAT!
The Indigenous Lanaguages and Technology Discussion List

Many of you have just joined and after day 4 of posting ILAT we are near
50 members!  I anticipate that number will double by the end of this week!
  The incredibly good news is that ILAT is quickly becoming composed of a
rich, culturally diverse group of people such as tribal/indigenous community
language specialists, teachers, speakers, students, international and national
scholars, linguists, computer scientists, language advocates, and interested
individuals from many parts of the globe.

ILAT's overall goal is to create and sustain an open dialogue on issues
relating to the uses of technology in langauge revitalization efforts.
Naturally, I will leave this important task to you the ILAT members!

I am very excited to play my small part in the creation of ILAT by helping
contribute to the much bigger cause of language revitalization.  The idea
for the ILAT list grew out of the positive life affirming language work
that is being carried out here at the University of Arizona and elsewhere.
 In the days ahead, I hope to create a web interface for ILAT.

Just briefly, I am a Cayuse/Nez Perce speaker/student/scholar in the second
year of my Ph.D program in the Joint Program of Anthropology and Linguistics
here at [ishtishnima 'the cactus place'] the University of Arizona.  I am
very much interested in all facets of language/linguistic work.  Among the
more interesting things that I have been working on lately is that I have
been trying to enhance some digitized wax cylinder recordings of spoken
Nez Perce from 1911 and reconstructing Cayuse, an extinct lanague isolate.

I encourage all ILAT members to begin your discussions and introductions
(if you are so inspired)!

Phil Cash Cash (cayuse/nez perce)
ILAT Manager, UofA
etc., etc....

cashcash at
pasxapu at

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