Latin Capital Letter Turned T/K?

phil cash cash pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET
Mon Dec 1 07:25:52 UTC 2003

i did not see any such character referenced in the Languages vol 17 of
the HBNAI.  this seems surprising since they are one and the same
entity from which the BAE originated.  there a few turned letters but
not the ones you are looking for...Boas shows /L/.


On Nov 28, 2003, at 7:42 PM, Don Osborn wrote:

> Here are two follow-ups to the questions re particular letters used in
> some
> transcriptions of some native American languages.  There were other
> postings
> but not a whole lot more info so I'll leave the issue with this.   DZO
> 1.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Constable" <petercon at>
> To: <unicode at>
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 6:02 PM
> Subject: RE: Latin Capital Letter Turned T/K?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: unicode-bounce at [mailto:unicode-bounce at]
> On Behalf
>> Of D. Starner
>> Has anyone else seen these characters, and
>> could provide material for a submission?
> I looked through a lot of materials back in the spring for phonetic
> symbols, and didn't record any instances of these.
>> How about the Latin Letters Tresillo and Cuatrillo?  Any movement
>> on that front?
> I've had them on my list of things to propose. I was trying to find
> more
> samples of tresillo to get a better idea of range of typographic
> variation, and had just started on that when that work got interrupted
> by other life events such as moving. I still need to follow up on that.
>> Oh, yes, pictures of the characters...
> Some samples of cuatrillo and tresillo can be found at
> site_id=nrsi&item_id=RecentCuatrilloUse
> Peter
> Peter Constable
> Globalization Infrastructure and Font Technologies
> Microsoft Windows Division
> 2.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Constable" <petercon at>
> To: <unicode at>
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 8:27 PM
> Subject: RE: Latin Capital Letter Turned T/K?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: unicode-bounce at [mailto:unicode-bounce at]
> On Behalf
>> Of jameskass at
>> Aren't these turned letters (and several others) used in the Fraser
>> script?
>  They sure are.
> Peter
> Peter Constable
> Globalization Infrastructure and Font Technologies
> Microsoft Windows Division

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