Maori radio goes global (fwd)

Andre Cramblit andrekar at NCIDC.ORG
Wed Nov 12 19:42:52 UTC 2003

Sung to the Tune of Mexican Radio by Wall Of Voodoo

I feel a cool breeze on my shoulder
Off the river at the reservation border
I have my walkman and check the station
I listen for Tribal News of the Native nations
I hear the talking of the DJ
Is it Hopi, Maybe Hoopa, perhaps Lakota
Sometimes even Bellagana (sp?)
Can't understand just what does he say?

I'm on an Indian radio
I'm on an Indian radio

I dial it in and tune the station
They talk about Council business, and commodity allocations
There is a tourney on the next Rez
Guess its time for a road trip journey

I'm on an Indian radio
I'm on an Indian radio

I wish I was in Albuquerque
Dancing at the Midnight Rodeo
I call my request in on the phone
Can~Rt We hear "One Eyed Ford"
I want to taste some food from home
Maybe Salmon, even deer meat,
Mutton stew just doesn~Rt cut it
There is the guy, with no teeth
That I met at the 49er
Can't understand just what does he say?

I'm on an Indian radio
I'm on an Indian radio

Radio  radio...

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