Fwd: [DDN] UN cobwebs and indigenous people

Donald Z. Osborn dzo at BISHARAT.NET
Wed Sep 15 10:09:05 UTC 2004


----- Forwarded message from Claude Almansi <claude.almansi at bluewin.ch> -----
    Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 19:03:55 +0200
    From: Claude Almansi <claude.almansi at bluewin.ch>
Reply-To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group
<digitaldivide at milhouse.edc.org>
 Subject: [DDN] UN cobwebs and indigenous people
      To: BBracey at aol.com, minority at lists.nici-mc2.org, Digital Divide Network
discussion group <digitaldivide at milhouse.edc.org>

"Guess what? Yesterday I removed cobwebs at the UN", my daughter
daughter wrote this morning on messenger, from Geneva.

"A daunting task, dear".

"Noooo,it's not a metaphor, I mean REAL cobwebs"

She was helping a friend mount the exhibition  « Visages d~Rune lutte
pour la reconnaissance », faces of a struggle for recognition, which is
being inaugurated tomorrow at the UN, to mark the end of the decade
dedicated to indigenous people. And the cobwebs were in the gallery
between 2 buildings where the exhibition will take place and be
inaugurated tomorrow. See http://www.gfbv.ch/f/ , no English version,

The inauguration and the exhibition won't be public at the UN, for
security reasons - just as the official core of the World Summit on
Information Society wasn't public last December, for the same reasons.
Moreover, the exhibition was meant to have both photographs of people
struggling for recognition, and their texts. The UN scrapped the text part.

"Why on earth?" I asked.
"Too militan for the UN - but they will be shown when the exhibition
moves in town in its public form".

There seem to be other cobwebs at the UN than the ones woven by 8-leg
spiders, after all.



Claude Almansi

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