going "digital native"...

Mia Kalish miakalish at LEARNINGFORPEOPLE.US
Fri Feb 25 15:48:14 UTC 2005

I was talking to my friend Janie yesterday. She teaches at Mescalero,
technology in the computer lab. And we were talking about this very issue.

She said her kids are "amazing". "Stunning". And they love technology.
Indian kids aren't any different than any other kids when you give them

I have also seen this, hanging out in the Tribal Library, watching the kids
come in.

I don't think there is much published research. It is getting more and more
difficult to do any "research" these days, but that is another who


On 2/22/05 7:16 PM, "phil cash cash" <cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU> wrote:

> Thanks Mia,
> there's just not a whole lot of information out there on how indigenous
> youth access technology.  tvs, video games (portable & non-portable),
> portable cd-players, and tape recorders are a big deal in my community
> (at least among my younger relatives).  now, recently dvds.
> here is a slice of life that is pretty good (despite the date):
> http://www.alternet.org/story/14363/
> Beyond Tradition: Today's Native Youth Organizing
> By Michael Gaworecki, WireTap. Posted October 23, 2002.
> if anybody finds recent info, please post it to the list,
> qots (later)
> phil cash cash
> UofA
> ----- Message from miakalish at LEARNINGFORPEOPLE.US ---------

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