Learning Tlingit language is challenge and joy for children (fwd)

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Sun Jul 24 17:50:26 UTC 2005

Web posted July 24, 2005

Learning Tlingit language is challenge and joy for children
Samp weaves education with whale and animal activities


Juneau hosts several opportunities for children to learn about Tlingit
culture. Some involve canoeing and fishing; this camp focuses on

About 20 children ages 3 to 5, plus a dozen older elementary students,
are spending their afternoons at Gastineau Elementary School, singing
songs and doing activities related to killer whales, frogs, wolves and

"It ties back to who we are," teacher Nancy Douglas said. Native clans
were named after animals.

The animals are archetypes in the Native culture as well as the
centerpieces for educating children about Tlingit words for numbers,
colors, the weather and other subjects.

"I like whales because they can hold their breath for a long time," said
8-year-old Cora Bontrager, who added she cannot hold her breath as long
as a whale.

Making whale puppets and dorsal fin hats and then singing
Tlingit-language whale songs to the tune of "Bingo" helps kids relate
to a culture steeped in tradition, said teacher Kitty Eddy.

"We have to create a lot of what we do," she said. There are no
catalogues of Tlingit education materials to choose from, so teachers
make their own curriculum.

At the end of the two week-camp, each student takes home a CD of the
Tlingit songs to listen to at home. Some students make journals.

As instructors develop more materials, Eddy hopes elementary schools can
share the tools used in the camp.

This is the first summer the camp is educating pre-schoolers. Children
too young to read and write English are picking up Tlingit.

"They can say words back to me right away," teacher Hans Chester said.
It's typically harder for adults to learn vocabulary and pronunciation,
he added.

Because of programs like the camp, Chester said, many Tlingits are no
longer afraid their culture and language are disappearing.

The camp starts its second week on Monday. The group will perform
Saturday for a Tlingit memorial party at the Alaska State Museum.

• Andrew Petty can be reached at andrew.petty at juneauempire.com.
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