Awards recognise Indigenous culture preservation

Scott DeLancey delancey at UOREGON.EDU
Thu Oct 20 17:31:05 UTC 2005

On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, phil cash cash wrote:

> I am not sure there is an avenue or forum that gives recognition to
> community contributions to language preservation and maintainance.  I

Let me mention SSILA's Ken Hale Prize:

     The Ken Hale Prize is presented annually by SSILA in recognition of
     outstanding community language work and a deep commitment to the
     documentation, maintenance, promotion, and revitalization of
     indigenous languages in the Americas. The Prize (which carries a small
     monetary stipend and is not to be confused with the LSA's Kenneth
     Hale Book Award) honors those who strive to link the academic and
     community spheres in the spirit of Ken Hale. Recipients can range from
     native speakers and community-based linguists to academic specialists,
     and may include groups or organizations. No academic affiliation is

Info & procedure for nominations are on the SSILA website
<>, click on "SSILA Award Winners".

SSILA is always eager for nominations for this recognition, especially
of folks that we might not hear about through the linguistics social

Scott DeLancey
Department of Linguistics
1290 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1290, USA

delancey at

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