ILAT update

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Oct 25 17:56:10 UTC 2005

ILAT turns three!

Indigenous Languages and Technology (ILAT) discussion list is an open
forum for community language specialists, linguists, scholars, and
students to discuss issues relating to the uses of technology in
language revitalization efforts.

Current Number of Subscribers: 185

Country                  Subscribers
*  -------                  -----------
*  Australia                          7
*  Bolivia                            1
*  Canada                             2
*  Fiji                               1
*  Great Britain                      3
*  Italy                              1
*  Mexico                             1
*  New Zealand                        1
*  USA                              168

ILAT Webpage:
LinguaList Mirror:

qe'ciyeew'yew' (Thank you) for your continuing interest in ILAT!

Discussions are most welcome here.

Phil Cash Cash
University of Arizona
list mngr

More information about the Ilat mailing list