Stories in Song and Sound from Native North America available online now

MSmith mona at
Tue Feb 7 19:14:48 UTC 2006

"From the Sky," Georgia Wettlin-Larsen vocals (Smithsonian Folkways, 
Northern Exposure), many languages.  Now available on ITUNES  and many 
other download services (Yahoo Music, Best Buy, etc.) The dream is that 
people will find their language, download the song and use it in teaching.

There is also a draft activity pack with coloring pages, activities and 
more for parents and teacher that accompanies the CD. It's available 
free at

All tech. glitches in song ordering and the like have been worked out.  
The song downloaded is the song chosen.

Each song is a story told in a language of Native North America and 
illustrated through sound effects.  It's fun to have children who don't 
know the language of the song listen and then tell the story. Could work 
nicely in art and writing classes.

Best wishes to all.

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