Senate Votes English as 'National Language'

Richard Zane Smith rzs at TDS.NET
Fri May 19 16:00:47 UTC 2006

kweh omätërú
More steps towards a gradual  standardization of the american citizen
Being exposed to all the great discussion we are having here
i hope we are also daily working against this --sameness--  drive
sing a song, use a prayer
in your OWN language
resist this being

John Kyarahoo(Wyandot) saw it coming in 1911
and it was recorded in text:

"...ä tawátö daé' d  'ayöhshanyókyerata' tuhásha'
daé yarihögyáh tutenyó tizhú d'  aómetsáyeh..."
"its impossible to hold on to anything anymore
the reason is (there seems to be) a change covering(clothing) the land..." 

(He died the following year)

to understand we are dying is no cure of itself
and we can waste alot of time articulating our death
we can only resist conquest by being 


>  Senate Votes English as 'National Language'
> Bill Keeps in Place Multilingual Laws
> After an emotional debate fraught with symbolism, the Senate yesterday 
voted to make English the "national language" of the United States, declaring 
that no one has a right to federal communications or services in a language 
other than English except for those already guaranteed by law.

Richard Zane Smith
18474 S.Cayuga Rd.
Wyandotte Oklahoma

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