Fwd: FW: CELCNA 2007

Susan Penfield susan.penfield at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 7 21:17:01 UTC 2006

*From:* CAIL Utah [mailto:cail.utah at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Tue 11/7/2006 1:51 PM
*To:* CELCNA at nsf.gov; III at nsf.gov
*Subject:* CELCNA 2007

*First Announcement*
*Dates*: *Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native
America*(3rd annual CELCNA), April 13-15, 2007, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City,

*Sponsors*: Smithsonian Institution (Department of Anthropology of  the
National Museum of Natural History) and CAIL (Center for American Indian
Languages, University of Utah)
*Keynote speakers*: Marianne Mithun (UCSB) and Christine Sims (Acoma Pueblo;
University of New Mexico)
*Call for papers*:  Papers are invited on any aspect of endangered Native
American languages, in particular on documentation or revitalization. Native
American participants are especially invited. Papers are 20 minutes each in
length, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.* *Abstracts for *posters
*are also invited – past poster sessions have contributed significantly to
the conference's success.

*Deadline*:  for ABSTRACTS : Jan. 16, 2007. The Program Committee will
announce results by Jan. 30th.
*Registration*:  $25 (students $15) [to cover cost of conference rooms,

*Abstract guidelines*: Abstracts should be no more than 500 words long (can
be just a paragraph or two); should include paper title, name (or names) of
author/authors, author's/authors' affiliation.  Abstracts should be
submitted by e-mail, in Microsoft Word document, RTF, or PDF.  Include
contact details: author's name, e-mail address for the period of time from
January to April 2006, and telephone. Only one abstract per person (except
where a paper has multiple authors).  *Address:**  *Send abstracts to: Nancy
García (nancy.garcia at utah.edu) (by Jan. 16, 2007).

*Accommodations*: University Guest House – two minute walk from the meeting
venue (Heritage Center) and CAIL. To book accommodations, contact the Guest
House directly (mention CELCNA):
University Guest House University of Utah
110 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84113-5036
Toll free:  1-888-416-4075 (or 801-587-1000), Fax 801-587-1001
Website  www.guesthouse.utah.edu
 (Please make reservations early; rooms will be held for the conference only
until early March.)

*Additional information*: Contact Nancy García (nancy.garcia at utah.edu), or
for particular questions, write Lyle Campbell at
lyle.campbell at linguistics.utah.edu. If you need information not easily
arranged via e-mail, please call: Tel. 801-587-0720 or 801-581-3441 during
business hours, or Fax 801-585-7351.

Susan D. Penfield, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language
and Literacy (CERCLL)
Department of English (Primary)
American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI)
Second Language Acquistion &Teaching Ph.D. Program (SLAT)
Department of Language,Reading and Culture
Department of Linguistics
The Southwest Center (Research)
Phone for messages: (520) 621-1836

"Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind, a watershed of thought,
an ecosystem of spiritual possibilities."

                                                          Wade Davis...(on a
Starbucks cup...)
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