Colonists Should Have Learned Native Language

Andre Cramblit andrekar at NCIDC.ORG
Fri Oct 13 19:59:50 UTC 2006

English-only debate: It helps unify us

October 9, 2006

When lawmakers approved Iowa's law declaring English as the official  
language, it was not out of a spirit of exclusion, but a spirit of  
inclusion for the increasing numbers of immigrants who call Iowa home.

Helping new immigrants learn English is the best way we can welcome  
them and help them through their naturalization process. Learning  
English tears down the communications barriers that prohibit  
newcomers from realizing their full potential. Research shows that  
without good English skills, one is less likely to achieve  
academically, economically and socially.

According to a 2001 U.S. Department of Education report, those with  
limited English proficiency are less likely to be employed, less  
likely to be employed continuously, tend to work in the least  
desirable sectors and earn less than those who speak English. In  
fact, annual earnings by non-English-speaking adults were  
approximately half that of the total population surveyed.

For those who don't understand English, simple things such as reading  
road signs or talking with a doctor can make life difficult, even  
dangerous. A 2003 study in the journal Pediatrics found that  
translation errors are common in health clinics, putting patients at  
severe risk for medical errors.

Unfortunately, fewer immigrants are learning to speak English.  
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 11.9 million people lived in  
"linguistically isolated" households, meaning no one over the age of  
14 spoke English in the home, or spoke English at a proficient level  
outside the home. These numbers were up 54 percent from 7.7 million  
in 1990.

To be "linguistically isolated" is also to be isolated from the  
American dream. As a result, Iowa became the 27state to adopt an  
official-language law. The idea is not to force immigrants to lose  
their native language, but to establish a common language that  
unifies our communities and drives our economy.

Polls indicate an overwhelming majority of Iowans agree. In fact, a  
Mason-Dixon poll released last month found more than three-quarters  
of Iowans stand behind the four-year-old law. The survey found 77  
percent of Iowans want the state to conduct business in English,  
including strong majorities within each political party.

Repealing the law would provide a severe disservice to immigrants  
themselves because it lowers the expectation for successful  
integration into American life. Diversity with integration is a  
society enriched. Diversity without integration is a society divided.  
In promoting English as our official language, state government is  
promoting an integrated society. Iowans deserve nothing less.

LARRY MCKIBBEN is a state senator from Marshalltown.

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