Interpretive Media Projects for National Parks (fwd)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Jun 11 16:31:19 UTC 2007

Interpretive Media Projects for National Parks

The National Park Service Intermountain Region?s Office of Interpretation
and Education is seeking collaborative ventures with university programs,
professors, and graduate students to carry out a wide variety of
interpretive media projects. These projects may include: 1) film-making, 2)
adapting current films, 3) planning, design, and fabrication of visitor
center exhibits, and 4) evaluation of visitor services. Project budgets
will range from $10,000 to $500,000. Interested parties should submit a
Statement of Interest and Qualifications (2-3 page project summary with
your name and contact information; relevant experience; past projects;
staff, faculty, or students who would be available to work on the project;
and CVs of team members) to Linda Lutz-Ryan (Linda_Lutz-Ryan at

DEADLINE: July 13, 2007

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