Geez Thanks :-)

Mia Kalish miakalish at LEARNINGFORPEOPLE.US
Fri Mar 2 04:14:48 UTC 2007

Thanks to all the wonderful people who sent congratulations. I do so appreciate it. This PhD stuff is funny; I guess it takes 
some of us until we get lots of wonderful notes from our friends and colleagues to really, really realize that we finally made it. 

The gist of my dissertation was that Navajo thought and language is very mathematical, and that not only could the 
mathematics be found, but that they were very sophisticated. I made two Macromedia Flash movies, one that shows the 
geometric concepts, and one that demonstrates the more sophisticated group theory.  (I am always grateful to Depree 
ShadowWalker for showing me Flash all those years ago, when I was stuggling to find just the right vehicle for simulataneous 
presentation of language learning materials. . .  )

Interestingly enough, it was the form and content of the language, rather than the semantics, from which the mathematics 
emerged. And, it was from the chants, myths and songs of the Oral History. 

Someone suggested we needed a new discussion, so I would like to offer this as a seed. I know that when I first started, I 
thought that the words had to exist as concepts. Probably many of them were lost, never recorded. But the concepts probably 
exist in different forms in the different languages and cultures. 

What do people think? 

A very happy 

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