10th Annual NILI Summer Institute

Racquel ryamada at UOREGON.EDU
Wed Mar 7 19:29:30 UTC 2007

Northwest Indian Language Institute
JUNE 18-28, 2007
University of Oregon, Eugene

Featuring two programs: 
Learning Environments
Explore ways to make your learning and teaching environment more supportive and effective. 
Create materials and practice using them as a language teacher or learner.

Record speakers and create CDs and DVDs based on
audio or video recordings.

*Methods, Materials, and Technology for Language Teaching
*Creating Supportive Learning Environments 
*Technology and Methods for Language Documentation
* Linguistics for NW Indian Languages
*Language Courses: Sahaptin, Chinuk Wawa (tailored to enrollment)

Virginia Beavert, Patsy Whitefoot, Tony Johnson,  and NILI staff

Tuition for Summer Institute: $1,150
(Includes 4 university credits, materials, T-shirt, and computer lab fee)
Approximate housing fee: $620
(Includes dorm room and all meals during Institute)

A non-refundable deposit of $150 is due by 25 May 2007.

For more information:
Email: 	nwili at uoregon.edu					NILI
Website: 	http://babel.uoregon.edu/nili/intro.html	1629 Moss Street
Phone: 	(541) 346-0730					Eugene, OR  97403

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