Language, Silence, and Voice in Native Studies (fwd)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Mar 28 16:55:26 UTC 2007


Language, Silence, and Voice in Native Studies

An International Conference hosted by the Native Studies Research
Network, UK, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland

Sponsored by the Swiss Association for North American Studies, the Swiss
National Science Foundation (SNF), and the University of Geneva
July 16-17, 2007

Call For Papers

The Native Studies Research Network, UK, invites proposals for papers
for its inaugural European conference.

Established in April 2006, the NSRN has 70 members at 30 UK institutions
working in 8 academic disciplines. Having held its first British
colloquium in September 2006, the NSRN will now host a topic-led,
full-scale conference inviting the participation of international
scholars to foster scholarly debate in the field. It is hoped that the
geographic centrality of Switzerland as a location will encourage
scholars from across Europe to attend. This nation’s tri-lingual status
has encouraged a focus on the issue of language.

Keynote speaker: Robert Allen Warrior, University of Oklahoma

(Other keynote speakers to be confirmed)

Featured speakers: Simon J. Ortiz, Gabriela Schwab, Hartwig Iserhagen

Panels will include but are not restricted to:

1. “Speaking with single and forked tongues”: Monoglots and Bilinguals

2. “We must teach the Bible in their own dialects”: Missionaries and
Indian Languages

3. Orality and Literacy

4. Silencing Native Voices: the impact of white settlement

5. Recovering Native Voices

6. Cultural ‘Contact Zones’

7. The Language of Native Politics

8. Native Languages in the 21st Century

This is not an exhaustive list and individual papers and/or panels on
topics outside these remits are warmly welcomed.

Individual paper proposals should include a title and precis of no more
than 250 words. Panel proposals should include a title and brief
description  of the panel and a title and précis for each paper.
Proposals should be sent electronically to: J.Fear-Segal at or
R.Tillett at or Deborah.Madsen at and preferably
copied to all three addresses.

Review of proposals will begin 16 March, 2007, and proposals will be
accepted until 16 April, 2007.

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