
Tue Feb 26 23:33:49 UTC 2008

Actually, Bill, it makes me feel much better that you did this. I can never
remember . . . the character that we use is pointy-up-to-the-right, not,
Then, we take the little pointy-up-to-the-right guy, and paste it over a
vowel with a cedilla. That makes a rising tone, nasalized vowel.
Alternatively, we can take a vowel that already has a pointy-up-to-the-right
guy, and paste the cedilla under it. Visually, that makes the same external
image, but as you well know, the internal codes - and they are what's stored
in the code of the document - are different. So when you go to sort, you get
a weird sequences of output sequences, and the average user can't grok
what's happening. 
As for your third paragraph about the Unicode consortium: It is pretty much
an exact rendition of the conversation(s) I had with them specifically about
this issue. They seem to really, truly believe that if the glyph looks
right, the character is also right (character = glyph + code). 
Now, is a cedilla different from the little hook? Whoever he is, he doesn't
go in the same horizontal location for all the vowels. When we develop the
glyphs by hand, even if we use the Unicode/Font glyphs that are already
existing, we have to eyeball them in so they look nice. It also makes a
difference whether the fonts have serifs or not (que serif, serif, whatever
will b, we'll c ... ) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Indigenous Languages and Technology [mailto:ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU]
On Behalf Of William J Poser
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [ILAT] forum

Oops. In the message I just posted, I see that I have consistently
written "grave" where I should have written "acute". <a> with an acute
accent is U+00E1 so <a> with an acute accent and subscript hook is
U+00E1 U+0328. I must be losing my mind.

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