New focus on Sami language (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Thu Jul 10 16:17:32 UTC 2008

First published: 10 Jul 2008, 10:11

New focus on Sami language

Norway's indigenous Sami people are about to be met a bit more often on their
own terms. A new government mandate calls for public servants to learn at least
a little of the Sami language.

"We are two peoples in one country," notes Egil Olli, president of the Sami
parliament. "It will be very positive for everyone if more people showed some
interest in the Sami language, and in that way also showed interest in Sami
culture and lifestyles."

Ole Henrik Magga, one of Olli's predecessors who led a UN forum on indigenous
peoples, agrees. Knowledge of a language is the most imporant entry point to
other peoples and cultures, noted Magga, who also is a professor of the Sami
language and has followed its development for years.

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